Friday, January 24, 2020
Henr Fayol & Management Essay -- essays research papers
The work of Taylor and Fayol is essentially complementary. They both realized that the problem of HR and their management at all levels is the key to business success. Both applied scientific method to this problem. Taylor worked primarily on the operative level, from the bottom of the organizational hierarchy upward. Fayol concentrated on the Managing Director (his term) and worked downward. Unlike Taylor, Fayol's work reflects a tension between his recognition that managers are not supermen and yet employees should not be allowed enough autonomy and responsibility to solve second-order problems (problems for which there are no precedents, or previous exemplary solutions). Additionally, Fayol's work provides much more insights into the intellectual underpinnings of the approach. On the division of labor (9, 13): The most important ability of the worker is "technical" (physical) ability. As one goes up the organization ladder, the relative importance of managerial ability increases, while that of technical ability decreases. To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, coordinate and to control (p. 6). General Principles of Management 1. Division of work. Specialization belongs to the natural order (a religious belief!?). Management should pursue standardization of work. The object of work is to produce more and better with the same effort. The worker always on the same part, the manager concerned always with the same matters, acquire an ability, sureness, and accuracy which increase their output. 2. Authority and responsibility. The good manager should have official authority deriving from office and personal authority, compounded of intelligence, experience, moral worth, ability to lead, past services, etc. Responsibility is a corollary of authority, it is its natural consequence and essential counterpart, and where authority is exercised responsibility arises. 3. Discipline. Discipline is obedience, application, energy, behavior, and respect. Discipline is absolutely essential for the smooth running of business and without discipline no enterprise could prosper. When a defect in discipline is apparent or when relations between superiors and subordinates leave much to be desired, responsibility for this must not be cast heedlessly, and without going further afield, on the poor state of the team, because the ill mostly results... ...the combination of kindliness and justice (as defined by!?). 12. Stability of tenure of personnel. It seems that the whole idea of job security is really geared toward stabilizing management. Generally, the managerial personnel of prosperous firms is stable, that of unsuccessful ones is unstable. However, he does mention employment stability re "employees." Time is required for an employee to get used to new work and succeed in doing it well. If when he has got used to it, or before then, he is removed, he will not have time to render worthwhile service. (Interestingly, there is no mention of such "soft" elements as commitment, moral, and satisfaction.) 13. Initiative. Thinking out a plan and ensuring its success is one of the keenest satisfaction for an intelligent man to experience. It is also one of the most powerful stimulants of human endeavor. Hence, it is essential to encourage and develop this capacity to the full. 14. Esprit de corps. Harmony, union among the personnel of a concern, is great strength in that concern. Effort, then, should be made to establish it (this seems to mean, making sure that front-line employees buy into his managerial system).
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Conventional Silver-Based Film Cameras vs Digital Cameras
Conventional silver-based film is still the recommended technology for evidentiary photography or for field applications. These cameras offer the highest resolution possibilities as well as the highest dynamic range. They have the best color range and are the most flexible of the currently available camera technology options. Silver-based film is the most durable storage medium as well, and is more readily available than video or digital storage media (â€Å"Guidelines). Resolution quality, or the sharpness of detail, is one of the most significant advantages of silver-based film. The extremely small sized silver crystals for this type of film allow silver-based film cameras to have a much higher resolution than digital cameras. 35mm camera negatives have an approximate resolution of 5500 x 3600 pixels, while digital cameras typically only have a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels. That equates to only 1.6 percent of the information that is captured with a silver-based film camera being captured with a digital camera (â€Å"Guidelines†). There are disadvantages to using this sort of camera, however. First is the need for a separate processing and printing facilities. In addition, there is a relatively long processing time involved for silver-based film. Processing the film also creates environmentally hazardous byproducts, in addition the film prior to processing is sensitive to temperature and humidity changes, as well as x-rays. The most notable disadvantage is that there is no way for the photographer to evaluate the image immediately, unless instant film is used (â€Å"Guidelines†). Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Cameras: Digital cameras offer some distinct advantages over other types of cameras. The foremost benefit they offer the user is the ability to view the image instantly and verify that image is exactly what was wanted. In addition, the image can be transmitted or shared with very few intermediate steps. Onsite image management as well as printing are added advantages, as well as more environmentally friendly media than film (â€Å"Guidelines†). The disadvantages of digital cameras, however, often outweigh its advantages. Digital cameras require batteries or alternate power supplies to operate. This means that there is a negative environmental impact, power must be converted, and a power supply must always be available. Storage media, although becoming more readily available, is still not available universally. Acquiring an image may be interfered with by electromagnetic fields, and once an image is acquired it may go through an automatic compression, losing some of the detail. Digital camera hardware and software are not always compatible with other manufacturers and there is a need for increased technical support. Lastly, as technology evolves there may be an impact on the ability to access image files, when that file format becomes outdated (â€Å"Guidelines†). Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Cameras: Video cameras have become more and more popular with the advancements in technology. Video cameras allow for a real-time motion record and the recorder can immediately review the images captured to ensure they are what was desired. Like digital cameras, video cameras can transmit and disseminate images with very few steps in between and they are more environmentally friendly than silver-based film. One of the most significant advantages to video cameras is their ability to not only capture video imagery but also audio as well (â€Å"Guidelines†). Yet, there are disadvantages to this technology as well. Like digital cameras, video cameras require batteries or an alternate power supply, and these have a negative environmental impact and the availability of these affect whether or not the video camera can be used. Video camera storage media is also subject to damage due to electromagnetic fields, and like digital cameras, electromagnetic interference may affect image acquisition. Resolution on video cameras is less than either digital or silver-based film cameras and there is limited color fidelity. Add to these the challenge that handheld video cameras lack image stability and that the weight and portability of some equipment may prove to be a problem. High end digital video cameras are better resolution than analog cameras (â€Å"Guidelines†). Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybrid Imaging Systems: Hybrid imaging systems combine silver-based film technology with digital technology. The advantages of this type of system is that there is less time to be spent in the darkroom and the camera maintains the high-quality film images. With this high quality, there is still the flexibility that comes with digital image processing. Just like digital cameras, images can easily be transferred electronically and can be analyzed electronically as well. This system also simplifies case-file management and can use a variety of output devices (â€Å"Guidelines†). There are disadvantages to this system, however. There is still a need for separate processing and printing facilities for the silver-based film, which includes the lengthy processing time and the environmentally hazardous byproducts. Just like a regular silver-based film camera, the preprocessed film is fragile and can be damaged by temperature, humidity and x-rays. And, it requires increased technical support, unlike a regular silver-based film camera (â€Å"Guidelines†). Personal Opinion on Which Camera is Best for Crime Scene Photography: Crime scene photography requires clear pictures of specific details that may not remain at the scene. For this reason, there is one feature that is absolutely mandatory when considering which camera is best suited for crime scene photography. The first is that the camera must have a high enough resolution to capture the important details of the images captured. This narrows the choices of the camera down to then, either the silver-based film camera or the hybrid imaging system. Of course when one considers the importance of ensuring that all crime scene facets are photographed adequately, it becomes clear that the ability to review an image instantaneously is a powerful benefit. With this ability, the photographer can ensure that he has captured exactly what he wants on film, without the risk of missing something that may not be able to be filmed later. For this reason, the hybrid imaging system appears to be the best choice. It not only allows for the high resolution necessary to capture important details, but allows the photographer instant access to the images he or she just took, so that they can verify that they captured everything they would like. Although this system does have the processing drawbacks of silver-based film, it also has the benefits of being able to transmit image files electronically, as well as the enhanced storage and filing.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Its Time to STOP Banning Books Essay - 1383 Words
Public schools are becoming more laid back about what they teach in each subject to make it less uncomfortable for individuals to talk about; for example, sex education is taught in schools more in depth and at an earlier age today than in the past to make it easier for people to talk about sex in a more mature manner. Banning books that contain sexual content, vulgarity, and violence give children and young adults a reason to snicker about these topics when discussed in class because we are taught that these topics are not appropriate to talk about publicly. There are many factors that play a major role in how an individual perceives certain topics in books. If taught at an earlier age that these topics are suitable for mature†¦show more content†¦All it takes to challenge a book is for a parent or other citizens to file a complain against a teacher, library, school, or bookseller, for that reason many teachers and librarians choose to remove the books from the curriculu m or shelves before an issue is brought up (Pitner). The fear of a lawsuit keeps many people from expressing their belief that banning books is unnecessary (Kennedy, Banned Children’s Books). Director of the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, Barbara Jones, stated that, Even though not every book will be right for every reader, the ability to read, speak, think and express ourselves freely are core American values. Protecting one of our most fundamental rights – the freedom to read – means respecting each other’s differences and the right of all people to choose for themselves what they and their families read.†(Kennedy, Banned Children’s Books). Parents should have the right to decide what their child reads, but should not have the right to decide what is right for other children to read because not all parents have the same view on what is appropriate for their child to learn in school; as Jones stated, we must all respect each other’s differences. Educators should also be able to freely decide on what they feel is appropriate for their students to read. If a teacher chooses a book that has caused concerns in the past, they should alert the student’s parents ofShow MoreRelatedBanning Personal Electronic Devices Is Not An Effective Way Of Stop Cyber Bullying997 Words  | 4 Pagescell phones regularly this is a huge number. Recently WMCI has thought of banning personal electronic devices (cell phones, personal laptops etc.,) to combat this issue in our own school, but this ban is not a potent fix. 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