Monday, August 24, 2020
Managing Uncertainty exam study guide Essay
Overseeing Uncertainty test study manage Essay Overseeing Uncertainty test study control Essay Overseeing Uncertainty Exam Format 4 inquiries †pick 2 1 page for each answer The inquiries will cover: definitions, hypothesis, ideas No stunt questions Use models in answers Important parts: - Origins of Wealth 1 and 6 - Use rising of cash for definitions/models The Cynefin Framework Definitions Essential Patterns of Complexity Rise and Self-Organization Large scale frameworks that appear because of activities of many (apparently disconnected) specialists Model: Traffic in India/showcase cost Availability Everything is interconnected Significant in light of the fact that anything done by an operators could influence everything else in the framework Model: changes the temperature of one sea will in the end influence each of the 7. Robbery diminished because of modest work in china. Stuff wasn’t worth taking any longer Non-Linearity Impact isn't legitimately corresponding to the reason Model: Input Effects Negative input impacts balance the framework, implying that there is no change. Positive criticism impacts intensify the change, think snowball impact. (Viral promoting) Model: Negative: snowball moving down a cold slope. Positive: Media’s impact on Lehman Turmoil Vast components in the framework at the hour of its creation, which could prompt enormous changes in the last rising conditions Model: butterfly impact Tipping Point Where a framework changes from one condition (of being) to another. (The straw that crushed the camel’s spirit) Model: Downfall of Lehman Brothers Way Dependency Past activities make structures, which lead to the improvement of imperatives in the framework. History matters. There is consistently setting. You never start from zero. Model: re-trying or constructing another underground line - Human Cognition Immaculate Rationality: Spock Encircling Bias Setting the data is surrendered (can be utilized to impact coming about resolutions). Representativeness Making enormous determinations from exceptionally little/one-sided tests. (Doesn't have full data) Accessibility Bias Putting together ends with respect to effectively available data Trouble making a decision about hazard Miss-surveying Threats
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Life And Poetry Of William Buttler Yeats Essays - Abbey Theatre
The Life And Poetry Of William Buttler Yeats Essays - Abbey Theater The Life And Poetry Of William Buttler Yeats On June 13 1865 William Butler Yeats was conceived in Dublin Ireland. From the beginning Yeats had masterful impacts, because of the way that his dad Jack Butler Yeats was a prominent Irish painter. He had no conventional training until he was eleven, around then he began at the Godolphin Grammar School in Hammer*censored*h England and later he took a crack at Erasmus Smith High School in Dublin. All through his tutoring he was viewed as disillusioning understudy, his investigations were conflicting, he was inclined to fantasizing, and poor at sports. In 1884 Yeats discovered his way to the Metropolitan School for the Arts, here he met a writer by the name of George Russell. Yeats and Russell sheared similar dreams, dreams, and the eagerness for them. Russell and Yeats before long established the Dublin Hermetic Society to direct enchanted examinations. They advanced their thought that whatever extraordinary artists had confirmed in there best minutes was the closest we could go to a definitive religion and that their folklore and their spirits of wind and water were nevertheless strict truth. This started Yeatss enthusiasm for the investigation of the mysterious. After his involvement with the hermetic culture he joined the Rosicrucians, Madam H.P. Blavavtskys Theosophical Society, and MacGregors Mathers Order of the Dawn. Yeats counseled mystics much of the time and occupied with the custom of conjuring the Irish Gods. The mysterious research Yeats made was clear in his verse. The mysterious was a wellspring of pictures to use in his sonnets, and evedence of this is in the entirety of his works. In1885 Yeats met John OLeary an Irish Nationalist and Fenian pioneer. OLeary assumed a huge job on getting Yeatss his work previously distributed in The Dublin University Review and guiding Yeatss focus toward local Irish hotspots for motivation. The impact of OLeary made Yeats take up the Irish journalists cause. Britain was attempting to decimate all Irish writing trying to anglicize Ireland through a restriction on the Gaelic language. OLearys patriotism and restriction to savagery dazzled numerous individuals including Yeats. These perspectives helped shape political perspectives that Yeats would hold for an incredible remainder. In 1889Yeats met Maude Gonne, a lady he cherished pathetically for an amazing remainder. Yeats requested that Gonne wed him ordinarily yet she constantly turned him down. Gonne was an Irish loyalist and a motivation to Yeats. Yeats as often as possible went with here to political conventions despite the fact that he for the most part couldn't help contradicting her fanatic strategies. Their relationship experienced a ton including Gonnes brief marrige to John McBride. The vast majority of Yeatss verse is routed to her. Yeats connected her with Helen of Troy, whose eccentricity prompted the annihilation of a progress. In 1986 Yeats became companions with Lady Isabella Augusta Gregory, a patriot writer. Together Yeats and Lady Gregory served to establish the Abbey Theater. As the executive and playwright Yeats assisted with transforming it into a main showy organization of the world and a focal point of the Irish Renaissance. Close to the Turn of the century Yeats battled to forsake his old style of composing, as of now his composing turned out to be less enchanted and emblematic and it became more clear. Yeats in the end got hitched in 1917, at 52 years old. His better half was Georgie Hyde-Lees, while on their special night she found that she had mediumistic capacities. Through programmed composing she could speak with a visionary domain. In Yeatss later years he turned out to be increasingly engaged with legislative issues. From 1922 1928 he was a representative for the Irish Free State. In 1923 Yeats got the Nobel Prize for writing, and kicked the bucket on January 18 1939 in Roquebrune France. Yeats was covered in Sligo Ireland. A Drunken Mans Praise of Sobriety Come wash around my truly punk What's more, keep me moving still That I may remain a calm man Despite the fact that I drank my fill. Moderation is a gem That I do much venerate, Furthermore, along these lines continue moving Despite the fact that boozers untruth and wheeze. O mind your feet, O mind your feet Continue moving like a wave, Furthermore, under each artist A dead man in his grave. No ups no downs, my Pretty, A mermaid not a punk; A lush is a dead man And every dead man are flushed. This is an expressive sonnet, which Yeats
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Professional Help in Writing Essay
Professional Help in Writing Essay Custom Writing Services Are Ready to Help You Home›Education Posts›Custom Writing Services Are Ready to Help You Education PostsProfessional Help in Writing EssayEven the straight-A students are familiar with the overwhelming feeling when studying just gets a bit too much. It often happens that you have a lot of work to do at once, and suddenly there are simply no enough hours in a day. That’s when different writing services come to rescue.There is no shame in using these services, and in many cases, this decision is completely justified. For example, you have an essay due on an obligatory college subject that has absolutely nothing to do with your major. Obviously, you dedicate more time to the things that are important for you, but at the same time, you don’t want to spoil your excellent reputation and grades. That’s when you use writing services.Another case: you haven’t been feeling well for some time, and eventually it starts affecting your academic performance. You want to keep up with other students, but simply can’t manage everything in a short period of time. That’s when you again may use writing services.How to Make the Right Choice?When you trust someone with your assignment, you, of course, have to be sure that this person can master it on the highest level. In most cases, people working in this sphere are competent and educated enough to provide you with the result that will be appreciated by any professor. Nevertheless, there is still a certain risk. Not only does your grade depend on it, but also each assignment is the next step towards your ultimate goal â€" a diploma and qualification. Hence, by investing in a skillful writer, you invest in your future.To find a good writer, don’t go for the first one you stumble upon. The ones that promote themselves exhaustively are not necessarily the best ones. Instead, make a research online, read the feedback and ask other people for some recommendations. Looking for the best writer, pa y attention to the following things:the qualifications that the writer possesses and whether they have sufficient knowledge in your sphere;the experience of the writer and the records of previous works;positive reputation among the customers.What are Your Expectations?Different people seek professional help for different reasons. Before applying for that, you need to understand clearly what result you are expecting. Determine what kind of an essay your professor is looking for because there are many types of them. Make sure you provide your writer with all the requirements such as the length of the paper, the necessary style, the layout and so on. In case you don’t do it, you can’t blame your writer for not creating a perfect piece of writing.Using the help of writing services to tackle challenging assignments is a common practice today. It never diminishes your own achievements as a student as long as you don’t abuse such services and don’t use them for every single paper.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Dynamic Equilibrium Definition (Chemistry)
A dynamic equilibrium is a chemical equilibrium between a forward reaction and the reverse reaction where the rate of the reactions are equal. At this point, the ratio between reactants and products remains unchanged over time. For elementary reaction, the equilibrium constant may be expressed in terms of the rate constant. For the reaction: A â‡Å' B The equilibrium constant K is: K [B]eq / [A]eq Source Atkins, P.W.; de Paula, J. (2006). Physical Chemistry (8th. ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-870072-5.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Behavioral Economics Essay - 598 Words
Introduction Behavioral economics studies cognitive, emotional and social factors effects on economic decisions made by an individuals and consequences returns, resource allocation and market prices. It assumes that human beings are rational in the decisions they make. Behavioral economics do not involve assumption. The difference comes in from the notion that the human behavior observation contradicts behavior of people to be perfectly rational. Therefore, the two starts from different points. Both behavioural economics and economics try to proscribe and describe patterns of human spending. The implication is that it does not only try to describe human behavior but tries to dictate human behavior. Behavioral Economics The authors draw†¦show more content†¦From this perspective, psychology influenced an individual’s decision making. Neoclassical economists rejected the psychological perspective and adopted the behavioural perspective. The neoclassical economist stated that the behavior of one dictates ones rationality in the making of decisions which is proscriptive. With classical economists, empirical evidence implies humans are static no matter how much they try to change their behavior. Presently, the classical and neo classical economist have combined to achieve modern economics. It comprises of both psychological and behavioral activities in making of decisions. A classical economic theory market is not all about demandand supply of sellers and buyers. A seller benefits more by giving a buyer more than he needs or selling at higher prices. According to Pareto efficiency that states that the distribution in the markets creates efficiency and both buyer and seller trades off well. This model does not benefit both parties;therefore, a more realistic model was adopted. Hyper rational economist is one who uses ancient ideas to be a prey and a predator at the same time. This mode tries to balance the welfare of both parties involved in the market. Both classical and neo classical shows the behavior of an individual taking into account the social, cognitive and resource allocation and the consequences on demand andShow MoreRelatedCognitive Economics : Behavioral Economic s1115 Words  | 5 PagesBehavioral economics has also consulted inter-temporal choice. Inter-temporal choice describes to how humans decide about what and how much to do at different times when decide at a time effect the facilities available at another time. Choice under risk or ambiguity relates the dual-system theory. Research suggests that people’s decisions can be affected by the â€Å"type and amount of information†they find. 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Mathematics and Actuarial Sciences University of Leicester Submitted by: Usman Raza Khan (119047679) Supervisor: Nick Foster Contents: Introduction What is Financial Myopia and Hyperbolic Discounting? †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 What is Inertia? †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 Governments Efforts †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 Controversy †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 5 Introduction: Due to better health
Poverty in Canada or USA Free Essays
During the period between 1929 and 1953, the United States occupational pay ratios and earning inequality is declined, mainly across World War II (Ober 1948, Phelps Brown 1977, Williamson and Lindert 1980, Goldin and Margo 1922b). The evidence showed that the condition of income inequality was occurrence in that period. Moreover, the problem of income inequality is declined. We will write a custom essay sample on Poverty in Canada or USA or any similar topic only for you Order Now But, the problem of income inequality is existed. The government cannot spread the income distibution evenly. Many reasons obstructed the income distribution evenly. In my discussion, I concentrate to explain five reasons to influence the income distribution in the United States in the 20th century. Changing in social norms is related to the income distributions. Many people think that women represented a cheaper alternative for employers. Their jobs were viewed as temporary to be abandoned in favor of marriage and a home. High turnover combined with a large pool of replacements in any occupation will tend to depress wages, but it also means there is no incentive to provide career opportunities or invest much effort to train persons for more responsibility. Consequently, women tended to fill the more specialized and lower-paying work, while men moved into the new office manager roles. The fact is that clerical, service, and sales work does not yield significant financial returns to people with more formal education or longer work experience (Bibb Form, 1977). In large part, this is because most of these are low ceiling careers, lacking in meaningful promotion opportunities for higher paying positions. The jobs have been filled advantageous position by one sex or the other. The point is strongly influencing the income distributions. The point of the unionization is related to the income distributions. Unions have improved wages and benefits, increased job security, and protected workers from discriminatory managerial decisions. Male workers are more likely to be members of trade unions, thus enjoying the advantages of collective bargaining for wages and earning more than women (Flaherty Caniglia, 1992). Overall, women are about half as likely to be union members as men. Rinehart wrote, ? Â § This accommodation to capitalist power was formalized in what is known as the post ? V World War II compromise forged in the midst of the intense class struggles of the 1940s. This settlement between labor, big capital, and the state featured the establishment of a new industrial relations system and stipulated a set of trade ? V off. Unions were legally recognized and accorded organizational security.? (P. 184) Changing in the education level of the population is related to the income distribution. In the U. S, the financial return to a university or college degree also declined during the 1970s. One explanation of this phenomenon was the substantial increase the proportion of the population going to university, particularly the entry into the labor force of the ? Baby-Boom? generation during the 1970s (Welch 1979). Freeman (1976, 1980) argued that the demand for educated workers also declined, so that not all of the change in relative earnings could be attributed to temporary developments on the supply side. Dooley (1986) concluded that the entry of the large baby? Vboom cohort during this period did lower earnings growth for this group, but that this demographic effect could not account for the observed harrowing of earnings differentials by level of education. Dooley? s results thus suggest that demand ? V side forces may also have played a role. Changing in the age structure of the population is related to the income distribution. The shapes of the earning streams reflect the main key factors which is earnings increase with age but at a decreasing rate. This concave shape reflects the fact that individuals generally continue to make human capital investments in the form of on-the-job training and work experience once they have entered the labor force. This job experience adds more to their productivity and earning s early in their careers due to diminishing returns to experience. However, to the extent that education increases productivity, individuals with the same amount of work experience but more education will earn more, perhaps substantially more. Migration is related to the income distribution. Economic theory predicts that the forces of competition would serve to reduce pure regional wage differentials so that they reflect compensating differences, short-run adjustments, or noncompetitive factors. Those forces of competition were the movement of capital from high- to low-wage areas, and the movement of labor from low- to high-wage areas. Empirical evidence tends to verify the implications of migration as a human capital decision. In a recent study, Osberg, Gordon, and Lin (1994) explore the determinants of interregional and interindustry mobility of individuals in the Maritimes. Using the 1986-87 LMAS, they find that younger individuals and those with higher expected wage gains are more likely to migrate. As well, the process of migration tends to reduce the regional disparities that induce the migration decision. In conclusion, the five reasons are influence the income distribution in the United States in the 20th century. The social norms show that the income inequality is happened between men and women. The unionization shows that the unions have a power to improve the wages and benefits for their members. In this situation, the income inequality is happened between union? s members and non-unions members. Although the demand for education workers was declined, education people still earn more than the uneducated people do because they have an expertise knowledge and experience. Migration is benefits for the young individuals. They can have a chance to prove themselves. Therefore, the movement of migration decreases the regional disparities. How to cite Poverty in Canada or USA, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Results and conclusion for aspirin synthesis free essay sample
After recrystallisation differences between the crude and purified aspirin were noted. The impure (crude) aspirin was powered and fluffy with small clumps and was slightly yellow in colour whereas the pure aspirin has a less fluffy crystalline powder and was whiter. This showed distinct differences in the two substances but similarities were also apparent showing aspirin, in some level, was created. Before recrystallisation the crude aspirin could of included impurities such as: Acetic acid (a product of the reaction process). Recrystallisation helps to eliminate impurities; the precipitation process eradicates soluble impurities as aspirin has a higher precipitation temperature so converts to a solid while other impure components are left as soluble in the solution. The yield is calculated to look at how well the reaction has been completed. This reaction is simplified to: C7H6O3 + C4H6O3 C9H8O4 + C2H4O2 To work out the yield; 0. We will write a custom essay sample on Results and conclusion for aspirin synthesis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 917g of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (0. 917/138) * 180 138 (the molar mass of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid) 180 (the molar mass of aspirin) Theoretical yield: 1. 196g 3 d. p. Percentage yield is worked out by Actual yield of synthesised aspirin: 0. 347g 0. 347/1. 196 * 100= 29 Percentage yield: 29% Melting Points CompoundBegan Melting ( °C)Totally Melted ( °C)Range ( °C) Pure Aspirin1361-2 Crude Aspirin1251305 Product from Willow Bark1201255 The documented melting point for pure aspirin is 136 °C. An impure compound will exhibit a lower melting point than this, which is what was observed in both the willow bark product and the crude aspirin. Pure aspirin has a narrow temperature range during which it changes from a solid to a liquid; this range is less than 2 °C. The sharpness of the melting point is useful to measure purity using pure aspirin as a comparison. As both types of aspirin melted over a temperature range of 5 °C it’s indicative that both substances have many impurities. The range of melting points for the crude aspirin and product of willow bark in comparison to the pure aspirin is obvious and can show the level and amount of impurity in both compounds. Chromatography Different constituents of each mixture travel at different speeds along the paper causing the components to separate. Above is a picture of the chromatography, comparing phenol (P), 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (2), pure aspirin (A), crude aspirin (I) and product from willow bark (W). Only two of the spots have been circled here, more were seen after this picture was taken but an image of the final separation was not photographed only observations were made (see table). CompoundRf value (numbered for multiple spots per compound) Phenol control4/6 = 0. 6 2-hydroxybenzoic acid4. 4/6 = 0. 73’ Pure aspirin5. 7-6 = 0. 95 Crude aspirin 0.5/6 = 0. 083’ Product from willow bark1. 1. 2/6= 0. 20 2. 2. 6/6 = 0. 43’ 3. 1-6 = 0. 16’ Rf = Retardation factor. The documented Rf for pure aspirin is 0. 56; however this experiment shows pure aspirin to be 0. 95, therefore for the purpose of comparison the documented value shall be used. This could be due to contamination, incorrect processes in the procedure, the amount of solution used or the temperature of the solution, although some of these factors are difficult to keep constant in the environment. The Phenol compound was used as a comparison. The result shows phenol is lighter than pure aspirin as it doesn’t contain as many atoms in its structure, with a molecular mass of 94. 11 g/mol. See Fig 1. 2-hydroxybenzoic acid, which is the main metabolite of aspirin, shows it is also molecularly lighter (in that it is moved further up the paper when soluble) than crude aspirin or pure aspirin. We would expect to see this because crude aspirin consists of the mass of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid and other compounds giving a total mass of 138. 12 (g mol-1). The pure aspirin shows only one spot on the paper, this is because it consists of only one compound, that being 2-acetoxybenzoic acid (aspirin). Pure aspirin has a molecular mass of 180. 157 (g/mol). The synthesised crude aspirin also shows only one spot but this is very far away from the pure aspirin Rf, although it could consist of multiple components close in mass so they merge into one spot. This clearly qualitatively shows the level of impurity as it is much heavier showing it contains other compounds weighing it down, which it should not have if synthesised meticulously. The willow bark product produced 3 spots on the paper which indicates it has multiple constituents all heavier than pure aspirin therefore is impure. This was expected because of the source, although the TLC (thin layer chromatography) paper could have been accidently splashed with an organic compound during the experimentation process and thus distorting the results by showing extra spots, this is unlikely as it’s expected that the willow bark product will be heavily impure. The paper also shows an elongated spot which is due to the solution being too concentrated. Fig 1. Aspirin StructurePhenol Structure 2- Hydroxybenzoic Willow Bark Synthesis Acid structure Chemical tests 1. Reaction with sodium carbonate CompoundObservations Phenol 2-hydoxybenzoic acidBubbled, clumped and floated to the surface of solution Crude aspirin Pure aspirin- Product from willow bark Phenol served as a comparison for the sodium carbonate to show it didn’t produce a reaction when it shouldn’t have. An above observation was made when sodium carbonate reacted with 2-hydroxybenzoic acid which was expected due to CO2 being released when an acid and a carbonate combine, below shows the reaction that took place. C7H6O3 + Na2CO3 NaC7H5O3 + H2O + CO2 No reactions were observed for the crude or pure aspirin which revealed the 2-hydroxybenzoic acid had formed a new product during synthesis which has no reaction with sodium carbonate. This was the outcome required and was achieved based on this test. The product derived from willow bark also showed no reaction as it had no component within it that reacted with sodium carbonate, no acid group within this natural product. 2. Reaction with Fe3+ CompoundColour with Fe3+ PhenolIntensely Purple 2-hydroxybenzoic acidPurple and frothy Crude AspirinPale purple, almost translucent Pure AspirinLight brown Product from Willow BarkBlack A solution presenting purple when mixed with an iron group shows the presence of a Phenol group. All mixtures, apart from the pure aspirin, exhibited this although all varied in colour intensity. Aspirin doesn’t have a Phenol group as can be seen from the lack of purple in the solution so this can be used as a control along with the phenol solution itself. From this test it can be seen, to what degree each compound has a phenol impurity. The solution containing the crude aspirin only changed to a slight translucent purple indicating a low level of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (as can be seen this compound reacts strongly to the addition of Fe) and so the crude aspirin has impurities but only to a certain degree. The pure aspirin shows how a compound with less impurities shouldn’t contain phenol and how this reacts in the solution and what colour should appear, colours away from this contain impurities. The willow bark product displayed an intense black colour, possibly so purple it looked black, so far away from the pure aspirin colour that contaminations are certain. Evaluation All procedures and processes of each stage of synthesis had variables that could result in an impure product. Although the recrystallisation stage, to remove impurities, was performed by an experienced laboratory staff member errors could still have occurred and these must be considered. Before the crude aspirin was recrystallised it may have contained various impurities that were not all eradicated by the precipitation process, these could include: contaminations in the air and C2H4O2 (a product of the original reaction), along with contaminations in the distilled water used, although this is better than using tap water. A high or even moderate yield was not achieved. This could be due to many factors; the experience of the chemists producing the aspirin having a poor laboratory technique, thus procedures were not carried out effectively and without error. Percentages of the substances could have been lost or misplaced during stages of the procedure. Other variables that could lead to the yield being less than 100% are: transfer of the product between containers, an incomplete reaction could have occurred, and is likely to have, where each compound does not fully react when it should due to factors beyond control, this will lower the products final mass. Recrystallisation also loses product and therefore yield as some product may still be left in the solution or on the filter paper. The aspirin may not have dried properly; making the mass higher therefore the purity would be lower. This factor could have distorted all results consequently when comparing, all would have the same distortion. The melting points may have inaccuracies as the temperature at which the willow bark melted was debated by the group. Lack of concentration and difficulty in determining when it had melted may have led to the product melting fully before it was observed and this would lead to a distortion of the results. It would be expected that the willow bark would melt at a higher temperature that the crude aspirin as it is known to have more impurities. Conclusion The overall objectives were to synthesise aspirin from 2-hydroxybenzoic acid and willow bark, and qualitatively determine the purity of each product, this was achieved as aspirin was produced from both the willow bark and the substances. The results from all tests do display that there were impurities, although they did not all show a consistent level of impurity. There was a noted difference, but not greatly so, in appearance between the crude and pure aspirin when tested with the Fe3+ solution. In contrast the TLC test exhibited a drastic comparable difference between the crude and pure aspirin. Possibly this was because the TLC did not use a subjective scale like the other tests, the quantitative measurability of the results allowed the outcome to be easily compared to the other products and against the pure aspirin. All tests showed a qualitative visual level of impurity in the results. Although this level varied and cannot be compared due to the difference in format of the results for each test, it can be seen, in general, that the crude aspirin contained more impurities than the pure aspirin and the willow bark product was the most impure of them all. This was expected. Although a ‘pure’ aspirin was synthesised from the crude, this is still an aspirin substance synthesised in a college laboratory by college students who are not skilled in laboratory practice and could have contaminated the experiment at various stages and not been astute enough to record and monitor reactions well. This could lead to the ‘pure’ aspirin only being a certain level of pure itself therefore any comparisons made against it are relative to that aspirin not the aspirin on the market/in stores. This can be seen in the chromatography test where documented aspirin has a retardation factor of 0. 56 but the synthesised pure aspirin is much lighter meaning it may not contain all the compounds found in correctly synthesised aspirin. To conclude if all variables and experimenter error was controlled a purer product would have been made and a higher yield would have been produced. Not all variables can be accounted for and therefore a 100% yield can never be achieved, even in a manufacturer setting.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
What Is SAT Score Choice Why Should You Care
What Is SAT Score Choice Why Should You Care SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips . College Board's SAT Score Choice policy, started in 2009, means just what it sounds like. Well, you can't choose your scores - "I'll take a 2400, please!" - but you can choose which score reports you send to colleges. If you take the SAT more than once, then you can decide which scores get sent and which ones remain for your eyes only. Since we're always thinking strategically when it comes to the SAT, this article will discuss not just how Score Choice works, but also how you can use it to your advantage. First, what exactly is SAT Score Choice? What Is SAT Score Choice? If you're a high schooler taking the SAT, it's probably safe to assume you're applying to college. Part of your application is sending your SAT score reports, which is done through your College Board account. The Score Choice option lets you choose which score reports get sent and which ones don't. You can choose a score report by test date, or by individual test for an SAT Subject Test. You can't choose individual sections, like just sending your math score from January and your Reading and Writing scores from April, for example. Many colleges superscore your SAT, or take your highest section scores across all test dates, anyway, so this shouldn't cause much concern. If your schools have a policy of superscoring the SAT, is there any reason to use Score Choice and leave some score reports out? I'd say probably not, unless you have one that's a real outlier, like you were sick that day or performed way belowthe level you expected to. If you think it could look bad to admissions officers, then you might use Score Choice to leave that score report out. If you don't elect to useScore Choice, then College Board will send all your available scores to the colleges you listed as score recipients. Before this policy was implemented in 2009, students had no option of leaving out score reports. Sounds stressful, right? According to College Board, Score Choice is meant to reduce stress, improve the test day experience, and give students more control over their test results. I suspect that College Board is also trying to remain competitive with its ever more popular counterpart, the ACT, which has always allowed students to choose whichscore reports to send by test date. While I touched upon the logistics of this optionalready, let's look in more detail at exactly how SAT Score Choice works when you're sending your scores to colleges. The College Board carrier pigeons are ready at your command. How Does Score Choice Work? Your College Board account is your one stop to register for the SAT, view your scores, and send your score reports. When you register for the SAT, you can add four score recipients for free. You can edit these up to 9 days after your registration. After that, additional colleges cost $11.25, unless you qualify for an SAT fee waiver. If you've taken the SAT more than once, then you can use Score Choice to decide which score reports go to which colleges. You'll see a screen that looks something like this: If you don't use Score Choice, then College Board will send all your scores to the schools you indicate. There is one important limitation of Score Choice to be aware of when you're listing out your score recipients. Limitation of SAT Score Choice As I mentioned above, you can list up to 4 score recipients for free when you register for the SAT or for up to 9 days after.That means the scores from your future test, which you won't have taken yet, will be automatically sent to those 4 schools. Unfortunately, you can't signin and cancel those score reports if you're disappointed with your scores, since they'll be sent to your colleges at pretty much the same time they become available to you, about three weeks after you test. If you want to see those scores before they're sent off to admissions officers and have the financial means to do, then you might consider forgoing those 4 free score reports. Of course, this is only a possibility if you have enough time before your deadlinesto receive your scores before sendingthem. If you want total control over which score reports get sent, then you might not want to use the 4 free score reports at the time of registration. WhileCollege Board offers Score Choice to improve the test day experience for students, sadlynot all colleges are so amenable. There are some schoolsthat are strongly anti-Score Choice. Before using it, make sure you research your schools' policies toward SAT scores. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Know Your Colleges' SAT Score Policies Not all colleges look at your SAT scores in exactly the same way. Some colleges, like Brown, Columbia, Harvard, University of Connecticut, and University of Virginia, superscore your test and take your highest section scores across all test dates. If your colleges superscore, then there might not be much reason to use Score Choice, unless you had a really off test day and wanted to keep that score report private. Other schools, like Arizona State, Colorado State, and University of Wisconsin, will look at your "highest sitting," meaning they won't take a math score from one date and a reading score from another. If this is the case, then you might use Score Choice to just send the score report from your best test date. Regardless of whether they have a superscoring or "highest sitting" policy, some of these schools tell you not to use Score Choice and to send all your available scores. For instance,Cornell says it "requires students to submit all scores from SAT tests taken and does not participate in the College Board's Score Choice." Stanford has the same policy, which it extends to the ACT, as well: "Applicants may not use the College Board's Score Choice feature or "hide" any scores with either testing agency." While College Board has done its part to improve the test day experience and give students more control over their test scores, unfortunately not all colleges are on board. Some other schools that have a "send all scores" policy are Duke, University of Pennsylvania, and Rice University. While these schools technically can't stop you from using Score Choice, they consider it a matter of integrity and honesty in your application that you'll abide by their policies. Before using Score Choice, make sure you research your colleges' policies towards SAT scores and score reporting so you know whether you should or are even allowed to use Score Choice. If you can't find this information on their admissions website, you can call an admissions office directly and ask what their stance is on SAT scores and College Board's Score Choice. Besides allowing you to leave out SAT scores that you don't think are up to par, does SAT Score Choice have any other advantages for students? Actually, it could affect how you prep and when you take the SAT. What Does SAT Score Choice Mean to You? Having the option of SAT Score Choice is another good reason to take the SAT more than once. Students almost always improve when they retake the SAT, especially if they do focused test prep on their areas of weakness between tests. Some students even take advantage of superscoring policies to build up a high composite score section by section. With this strategy, you might prep intensively for math before one test date, forreading for the next, and for writing for the third date. This approach could help focus your studying, reduce pressure, and maximize your overall scores to a higher peak than you could reach on any one single test date. Even with the option of leaving some score reports out, I wouldn't recommend taking the SAT any more than 5 or 6 times. The time and money spent on all these official tests could probably be better spent on test prep. If you're studying effectively, then you should be able to achieve your target scores within 6 tests. If not, you would probably be better served by adjusting your approach to test prep than by taking the SAT one more time. Of course, not every student has the luxury of time nor money to retake the SAT this many times. In a sense, Score Choice favors those who can afford multiple test dates and prep materials. While it's a policy that works in students' advantage, it also could be viewed partly as one more way that students from higher socio-economic backgrounds have an advantage when it comes to achieving strong SAT scores for their college applications. SAT Score Choice is a great option if you have a fluke testing day or scores you'd rather not share with admissions officers. It's another good reason to take the SAT multiple times, if you have the time and means to do so. While it may or may not impact your testing strategy, let's sum up the major takeaways you can gather from this SAT Score Choice policy. Takeaways of SAT Score Choice SAT Score Choice lets you choose which scores to send to colleges by test date at no extra cost. You can customize your score reporting toeach individual college you're applying to. Make sure to research your colleges' policies, so you know if they superscore, taking the highest sitting, and/or require you to send all your scores. Retaking the SAT (if possible) is a very good idea, especially since Score Choice allows you to pick and choose which scores to send to colleges. If you're strategic about your testing plan and schedule, then you can use these policies to your advantage and earnstrong SAT scores. Plus, you can breathe easy if you happen to have an off day or don't achieve the scores you want the first time around. As the old saying goes, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! And then use SAT Score Choice." What's Next? For the full list of colleges that superscore the SAT, check out our complete guide here. You can also see all the schools that require you to send all your scores. For whatever reason, they're not big fans of SAT Score Choice. Are you deciding when to take the SAT for the first time (or second or third)? Read about how to choose your test dates and schedule your test prep around your testing plan. Want to improve your SAT score by 160points?We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:
Monday, March 2, 2020
Program vs. Programme
Program vs. Programme Program vs. Programme Program vs. Programme By Ali Hale One of our readers wrote to ask if we could clarify the difference between program and programme. The Noun: Program or Programme? The basic difference is between different languages: American English always uses program British English uses programme unless referring to computers Australian English recommends program for official usage, but programme is still in common use. The word program was predominant in the UK until the 19th century, when the spelling programme became more common largely as a result of influence from French, which has the same word programme. So, if youre writing in British English (either as part of an examination, if youre studying English, or for a British publication), heres some examples of how to use programme and program correctly: Were still drawing up the programme for the concert. This computer program wont run on my PC. I missed my favourite television programme last night. The Verb: To Program, Programmed, Programming The word program is also a verb, as in Ill program the computer today. In this case, both American and British English use to program. These forms are also valid in American English: programed programing But the Oxford English Dictionary recommends the double-m instead, which is in far more widespread usage: programmed programming If in doubt, and writing for a publication, check whether or not they have a style guide or a rule on which form of the verb to use. When youre writing for yourself, just make sure youre consistent. Program and Programme on Newspapers It is a commercial obligation of all 72 Football League teams to have a printed programme for every home game but clubs will vote on whether this will continue ( National Citizen Service, which was launched in 2011, brings together young people from different backgrounds for a programme of personal and social development. It offers a three- to four-week part-residential programme where 15- to 1 ( New York Times sponsor a subscription program allows you to make a contribution that provides Times digital subscriptions to public schools and student ( said Wednesday that members of its rewards program will be able to see up to three movies a week for $19.95 a month as part of its Stubs A-List tier. The movie ( Video Recap Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Coordinating vs. Subordinating ConjunctionsExcited ABOUT, not "for" Starting a Business Letter with Dear Mr.
Friday, February 14, 2020
The Economic and Financial implication of Globalization on the UK Essay
The Economic and Financial implication of Globalization on the UK Economy - Essay Example Qualitative research generates data that is based on the participants’ own categories of meaning, it is useful for studying a limited number of cases in detail, and tends to collect data in realistic settings (Creswell, 2001). However, quantitative research method has been adopted for this current study mainly because of the reason that it is the most suitable. The term â€Å"globalization†gained prominence in the 1960s and it began to be extensively applied by economists and other social scientists. The current study has taken into account the output generated in the GDP, rate of unemployment and inflation for instance for a period from 1997-2001. A Chow Test will be performed to check the structural break over the years. The study will specifically deal with time series data in order to check whether there is structural change (parametric instability) in the relationship between the regressand (output and import-export in UK) and the regressor (GDP, technology, Consumer’s Price Index, Producer’s Price Index, rate of unemployment for instance). By structural change, it mean that the value of the parameters do not remain the same for the entire time period (UK Economic Indicators, n.d.). Globalisation is loosely defined as the economic activity taking place across the national boundaries (Buckman 2004). In essence, globalization sought to liberalize trade as well as deregulate the economy and this particular study seeks to investigate the extent to which deregulation has impacted on the economy of UK. Quantitative methods will be used to collect data in order to ascertain the impact of deregulation on UK economy. During the contemporary era, the concept of globalisation has liberalised trade among nations and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has substantially changed the ways of doing business. ICT has made dramatic changes in the contemporary society and economy at large and has impacted on almost all businesses
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Information Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Information Management - Essay Example There are basically 10 principles that ensure Information Management is done effectively and successfully. These 10 principles make Information Management easy and the organization experiences much better results if they follow these. The 10 principles are: Organizations have very complex environments in which it is necessary to implement concrete solutions. There are a lot of challenges when planning and implementing information management projects. All these challenges have to be over taken. When these complexities arise project teams often try to find easy and simple solutions, which is wrong. In reality complexity cannot be avoided and the easiest way to solve it is to find new approaches to information management that recognize and manage this complexity. Information management systems are only successful if they are actually used by staff, and it is not sufficient to simply focus on installing the software centrally. In practice, most information management systems need the active participation of staff throughout the organization. Meaning that adoption by staff to the information system is essential. Information management projects must always be designed so that they deliver tangible and visible benefits. This means that mostly information management projects are very valuable but when asked it can be difficult to show the return on investment. For example, improving the information accessible to call center staff can have a very observable and tangible impact on customer service. Business Needs should be given importance Some organizations try to prioritize projects according to the technology to be deployed meaning that if newer technology is being used the project is given the highest priority; this is not a meaningful approach. Instead of using this method projects should be prioritize according to how they address the business needs. Move step by step There is no single project that wills solve all the information management problems of an organization. In reality, anyone who tries to design the complete information management solution will be trapped in 'analysis paralysis' that is the inability to get out of the planning process. Hence journey of a thousand steps should be taken that is small changes should be made in the information management practices that eventually result in the perfect process later. Strong Leadership If an organization wants effective information management they need to concentrate on organizational and cultural changes. Strong leadership can only achieve these objectives. Hence effective and successful information management is a result of strong leadership. Avoid Risks While providing solutions for complex issues of any organizations as we discussed in the 1st principle it is very necessary to study all the risks involved. All the solutions that are provided have risks involved while implementing them. Identifying those risks and avoiding them using risk management is necessary and quite achievable. Extensive Communication Effective
Friday, January 24, 2020
Henr Fayol & Management Essay -- essays research papers
The work of Taylor and Fayol is essentially complementary. They both realized that the problem of HR and their management at all levels is the key to business success. Both applied scientific method to this problem. Taylor worked primarily on the operative level, from the bottom of the organizational hierarchy upward. Fayol concentrated on the Managing Director (his term) and worked downward. Unlike Taylor, Fayol's work reflects a tension between his recognition that managers are not supermen and yet employees should not be allowed enough autonomy and responsibility to solve second-order problems (problems for which there are no precedents, or previous exemplary solutions). Additionally, Fayol's work provides much more insights into the intellectual underpinnings of the approach. On the division of labor (9, 13): The most important ability of the worker is "technical" (physical) ability. As one goes up the organization ladder, the relative importance of managerial ability increases, while that of technical ability decreases. To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, coordinate and to control (p. 6). General Principles of Management 1. Division of work. Specialization belongs to the natural order (a religious belief!?). Management should pursue standardization of work. The object of work is to produce more and better with the same effort. The worker always on the same part, the manager concerned always with the same matters, acquire an ability, sureness, and accuracy which increase their output. 2. Authority and responsibility. The good manager should have official authority deriving from office and personal authority, compounded of intelligence, experience, moral worth, ability to lead, past services, etc. Responsibility is a corollary of authority, it is its natural consequence and essential counterpart, and where authority is exercised responsibility arises. 3. Discipline. Discipline is obedience, application, energy, behavior, and respect. Discipline is absolutely essential for the smooth running of business and without discipline no enterprise could prosper. When a defect in discipline is apparent or when relations between superiors and subordinates leave much to be desired, responsibility for this must not be cast heedlessly, and without going further afield, on the poor state of the team, because the ill mostly results... ...the combination of kindliness and justice (as defined by!?). 12. Stability of tenure of personnel. It seems that the whole idea of job security is really geared toward stabilizing management. Generally, the managerial personnel of prosperous firms is stable, that of unsuccessful ones is unstable. However, he does mention employment stability re "employees." Time is required for an employee to get used to new work and succeed in doing it well. If when he has got used to it, or before then, he is removed, he will not have time to render worthwhile service. (Interestingly, there is no mention of such "soft" elements as commitment, moral, and satisfaction.) 13. Initiative. Thinking out a plan and ensuring its success is one of the keenest satisfaction for an intelligent man to experience. It is also one of the most powerful stimulants of human endeavor. Hence, it is essential to encourage and develop this capacity to the full. 14. Esprit de corps. Harmony, union among the personnel of a concern, is great strength in that concern. Effort, then, should be made to establish it (this seems to mean, making sure that front-line employees buy into his managerial system).
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Conventional Silver-Based Film Cameras vs Digital Cameras
Conventional silver-based film is still the recommended technology for evidentiary photography or for field applications. These cameras offer the highest resolution possibilities as well as the highest dynamic range. They have the best color range and are the most flexible of the currently available camera technology options. Silver-based film is the most durable storage medium as well, and is more readily available than video or digital storage media (â€Å"Guidelines). Resolution quality, or the sharpness of detail, is one of the most significant advantages of silver-based film. The extremely small sized silver crystals for this type of film allow silver-based film cameras to have a much higher resolution than digital cameras. 35mm camera negatives have an approximate resolution of 5500 x 3600 pixels, while digital cameras typically only have a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels. That equates to only 1.6 percent of the information that is captured with a silver-based film camera being captured with a digital camera (â€Å"Guidelines†). There are disadvantages to using this sort of camera, however. First is the need for a separate processing and printing facilities. In addition, there is a relatively long processing time involved for silver-based film. Processing the film also creates environmentally hazardous byproducts, in addition the film prior to processing is sensitive to temperature and humidity changes, as well as x-rays. The most notable disadvantage is that there is no way for the photographer to evaluate the image immediately, unless instant film is used (â€Å"Guidelines†). Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Cameras: Digital cameras offer some distinct advantages over other types of cameras. The foremost benefit they offer the user is the ability to view the image instantly and verify that image is exactly what was wanted. In addition, the image can be transmitted or shared with very few intermediate steps. Onsite image management as well as printing are added advantages, as well as more environmentally friendly media than film (â€Å"Guidelines†). The disadvantages of digital cameras, however, often outweigh its advantages. Digital cameras require batteries or alternate power supplies to operate. This means that there is a negative environmental impact, power must be converted, and a power supply must always be available. Storage media, although becoming more readily available, is still not available universally. Acquiring an image may be interfered with by electromagnetic fields, and once an image is acquired it may go through an automatic compression, losing some of the detail. Digital camera hardware and software are not always compatible with other manufacturers and there is a need for increased technical support. Lastly, as technology evolves there may be an impact on the ability to access image files, when that file format becomes outdated (â€Å"Guidelines†). Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Cameras: Video cameras have become more and more popular with the advancements in technology. Video cameras allow for a real-time motion record and the recorder can immediately review the images captured to ensure they are what was desired. Like digital cameras, video cameras can transmit and disseminate images with very few steps in between and they are more environmentally friendly than silver-based film. One of the most significant advantages to video cameras is their ability to not only capture video imagery but also audio as well (â€Å"Guidelines†). Yet, there are disadvantages to this technology as well. Like digital cameras, video cameras require batteries or an alternate power supply, and these have a negative environmental impact and the availability of these affect whether or not the video camera can be used. Video camera storage media is also subject to damage due to electromagnetic fields, and like digital cameras, electromagnetic interference may affect image acquisition. Resolution on video cameras is less than either digital or silver-based film cameras and there is limited color fidelity. Add to these the challenge that handheld video cameras lack image stability and that the weight and portability of some equipment may prove to be a problem. High end digital video cameras are better resolution than analog cameras (â€Å"Guidelines†). Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybrid Imaging Systems: Hybrid imaging systems combine silver-based film technology with digital technology. The advantages of this type of system is that there is less time to be spent in the darkroom and the camera maintains the high-quality film images. With this high quality, there is still the flexibility that comes with digital image processing. Just like digital cameras, images can easily be transferred electronically and can be analyzed electronically as well. This system also simplifies case-file management and can use a variety of output devices (â€Å"Guidelines†). There are disadvantages to this system, however. There is still a need for separate processing and printing facilities for the silver-based film, which includes the lengthy processing time and the environmentally hazardous byproducts. Just like a regular silver-based film camera, the preprocessed film is fragile and can be damaged by temperature, humidity and x-rays. And, it requires increased technical support, unlike a regular silver-based film camera (â€Å"Guidelines†). Personal Opinion on Which Camera is Best for Crime Scene Photography: Crime scene photography requires clear pictures of specific details that may not remain at the scene. For this reason, there is one feature that is absolutely mandatory when considering which camera is best suited for crime scene photography. The first is that the camera must have a high enough resolution to capture the important details of the images captured. This narrows the choices of the camera down to then, either the silver-based film camera or the hybrid imaging system. Of course when one considers the importance of ensuring that all crime scene facets are photographed adequately, it becomes clear that the ability to review an image instantaneously is a powerful benefit. With this ability, the photographer can ensure that he has captured exactly what he wants on film, without the risk of missing something that may not be able to be filmed later. For this reason, the hybrid imaging system appears to be the best choice. It not only allows for the high resolution necessary to capture important details, but allows the photographer instant access to the images he or she just took, so that they can verify that they captured everything they would like. Although this system does have the processing drawbacks of silver-based film, it also has the benefits of being able to transmit image files electronically, as well as the enhanced storage and filing.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Its Time to STOP Banning Books Essay - 1383 Words
Public schools are becoming more laid back about what they teach in each subject to make it less uncomfortable for individuals to talk about; for example, sex education is taught in schools more in depth and at an earlier age today than in the past to make it easier for people to talk about sex in a more mature manner. Banning books that contain sexual content, vulgarity, and violence give children and young adults a reason to snicker about these topics when discussed in class because we are taught that these topics are not appropriate to talk about publicly. There are many factors that play a major role in how an individual perceives certain topics in books. If taught at an earlier age that these topics are suitable for mature†¦show more content†¦All it takes to challenge a book is for a parent or other citizens to file a complain against a teacher, library, school, or bookseller, for that reason many teachers and librarians choose to remove the books from the curriculu m or shelves before an issue is brought up (Pitner). The fear of a lawsuit keeps many people from expressing their belief that banning books is unnecessary (Kennedy, Banned Children’s Books). Director of the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, Barbara Jones, stated that, Even though not every book will be right for every reader, the ability to read, speak, think and express ourselves freely are core American values. Protecting one of our most fundamental rights – the freedom to read – means respecting each other’s differences and the right of all people to choose for themselves what they and their families read.†(Kennedy, Banned Children’s Books). Parents should have the right to decide what their child reads, but should not have the right to decide what is right for other children to read because not all parents have the same view on what is appropriate for their child to learn in school; as Jones stated, we must all respect each other’s differences. Educators should also be able to freely decide on what they feel is appropriate for their students to read. If a teacher chooses a book that has caused concerns in the past, they should alert the student’s parents ofShow MoreRelatedBanning Personal Electronic Devices Is Not An Effective Way Of Stop Cyber Bullying997 Words  | 4 Pagescell phones regularly this is a huge number. Recently WMCI has thought of banning personal electronic devices (cell phones, personal laptops etc.,) to combat this issue in our own school, but this ban is not a potent fix. 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The freedom of speech includes the freedom to have unrestricted access to information. Yet throughout history, the movement against banning books usually falls into three categories: political, moral, and religious. With these disputes in mind, we will discuss the reasons we needRead MoreCensorship Will Always Interfere With Freedom Of Speech1396 Words  | 6 Pagesof speech. In Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, censorship is one of the main topics depicted. Censorship including the banning of books has been an issue though out history. There has been violence similar to the book burnings by the Firemen in the novel. In Bradbury’s novel, Guy Montag is a Fireman who cannot understand why books have to be burned. He questions what is in the books that can’t be shared with people. Guy questions his boss, Captain Beatty. Beatty explains, â€Å"Obviously, The danger isRead MoreIs Gun Control the Answer? Essay1422 Words  | 6 PagesIt seems like every time we hear about a violent crime involving firearms the focus is turned to gun control. This has turned the issue of gun control into a major debate in our nation. When it comes to taking a side on the issue many people decide comp letely on an emotional level instead of looking at the issue rationally. People think that solving violent crimes involving guns is as easy as taking away the guns. How do you go about taking guns away if that is the solution, or what will the effectsRead MoreEssay on Cell Phone Use in Schools Should Not be Banned1401 Words  | 6 Pagesphone and set it on vibrate. Schools should allow cell phones in school for childrens protection and safety. Secondly, cell phones can keep you connected with your buddies. Instead of screaming, and yelling in the halls to ask your buddy for books you can simply call them on your cell phone. Some students ask themselves, If teachers are allowed to use cell phones in class. Why cant we? Teachers talk with teachers on their cell phones almost everyday to keep their schedule going, and toRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography : Ray Bradbury1077 Words  | 5 Pagesis because in the book itself, reading is discouraged (illegal) and television is persuading. The author of this article suggests that Ray Bradbury would observe to see how has technology shows a problems.People will adapt when technology changes and grows over time.People will not connect to whats new but eventually they will change because all have to adapt to new changes .If they bring books back then citizens will adapt to reading paragraph 14 â€Å"’s not the state it’s the people in which
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