Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Value Of Value For Money - 2360 Words
INTRODUCTION Value for Money is the utility derived from every purchase or every sum of money which is spent. It is not only based on minimum purchase price but together with efficiency and effectiveness of purchase. The concept of value for money includes both qualitative and quantitative aspects. In addition, it typically involves an element of judgment on the part of a government. There is no precise indicator to measure value for money. Value for money can broadly be defined as what a government judges to be an optimal combination of quantity, quality, features and price (i.e. cost), expected (sometimes, but not always, calculated) over the whole of the project’s lifetime. There are 3 elements for Value for Money: †¢ Economy in the use of resources so as to maximize inputs per dollar, euro, pound, yen, etc. †¢ Efficiency to maximize outputs per input. †¢ Effectiveness to maximize outcomes per output. Qualitative VFM analysis typically involves sense-checking the rationale for using PPPâ€â€that is, asking whether a proposed project is of a type likely to be suitable for private financing. This often takes place at a relatively early stage of PPP development. Quantitative VFM analysis involves comparing the value for money of a proposed PPP (or actual bids received) with a â€Å"Public Sector Comparator†(PSC)â€â€that is, a model of the project if implemented through traditional public procurement. TIMING AND ROLE OF VFM ANALYSIS VFM analysis is used to carry out all publicShow MoreRelatedTime Value of Money and Present Value1154 Words  | 5 Pagescollege 15 years from today and the other will begin 17 years from today. You estimate your children’s college expenses to be $23,000 per year per child, payable at the beginning of each school year. The annual interest rate is 5.5 percent. How much money must you deposit in account each year to fund your children’s education? Your deposits begin one year from today. You will make your last deposit when your oldest child enters college. Assume four years of college Solution: Cost of 1 year atRead MoreTime Value of Money1028 Words  | 5 Pagestoward understanding the relationship between the value of dollars today and that of dollars in the future is by looking at how funds invested will grow over time. This understanding will allow one to answer such questions as; how much should be invested today to produce a specified future sum of money? Time Value of Money In most cases, borrowing money is not free, unless it is a fiver for lunch from a friend. Interest is the cost of borrowing money. An interest rate is the cost stated as a percentRead MoreInflation And The Value Of Money1710 Words  | 7 Pagesannual percentage increase. When there is an inflation, the same amount of money buys a smaller percentage of a good or service compared to previous years. This means the value of money drops when inflation occurs. In economics, the value of money is viewed in terms of purchasing power, which is the real, tangible goods that can be bought by money. When inflation goes up, there is a decline in the purchasing power of money. For example, if the inflation rate is 3%, then theoretically a 1 £ bottle ofRead MoreThe Value Of The Fiat Money1058 Words  | 5 Pages1) People can lose faith in money because if the value becomes questionable, so will the acceptance of it. Economists believe that the better the fiat money serves as a store of val ue, the more acceptable it is. This statement basically means that since fiat money is not backed by anything of value, its not as easily accepted. Over time, people gradually come to accept the fiat money because they believe others will accept it also. 2) When the value of money was based on its gold content, newRead MoreNotes On Value Of Money1031 Words  | 5 PagesIn this chapter 4, Time Value of Money we discussed about Future Value, Present Value, Rates of return and Amortization. Future value is the value of an asset at a particular date that means a given sum of money is â€Å"worth†at a specified time in the future with certain interest. It is product of present value and accumulation function. Present value also known as Present Discounted value. It is less or equal to the future value because of money has interest rate. For example â€Å"A dollar today is worthRead MoreTime Value of Money1033 Words  | 5 PagesTime Value of Money (TVM), developed by Leonardo Fibonacci in 1202, is an important concept in financial management. It can be used to compare investment alternatives and to solve problems involving loans, mortgages, leases, savings, and annuities. TVM is based on the concept that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future. That is mainly because money held today can be invested and earn interest. A key concept of TVM is that a single sum of money or a series of equal,Read MoreTime Value of Money967 Words  | 4 PagesTime Value of Money The time value of money relates to many activities and decision in the financial world. â€Å"Understanding the effective rate on a business loan, the mortgage payment in a real estate transaction, or the true return on an investment depends on understanding the time value of money†(Block, Hirt, 2005). The concept of time value of money helps determine how financial assets are valued and how investors establish the rates of return they demand. Many different types of companiesRead MoreThe Time Value of Money875 Words  | 4 Pagestime value of money, and illustrate that I understand the concept. First, there will be an explanation of the key concepts of time value of money, including why it is important to know what these concepts are and how they are applied to the real world. The report will also contain several calculations made using present and future value tables. The calculations illustrate that not only do I understand the concepts but that I can apply them to mathematical computations. 1. The time value of moneyRead MoreEssay On Value Of Money1201 Words  | 5 Pagesof exchange. How many roosters is a bull well worth? What is a reasonable value of a plough in poultry eggs? These responses are subjective, makings trade hard to forecast. Loan tackled the function of a global ways of payment. Originally, the money was backed by some form of security, however all money in todays globe is symbolic and also based upon depend on. And wherever trust fund is involved, it can be shed. For money to be considered legal tender, it has to fulfill certain criteria, a lotRead MoreTime Value Of Money754 Words  | 3 PagesTime Value of Money The time value of money indicates the relationship between time and money because of the opportunity to invest todays dollar and receive interest on the investment in the future. A dollar received today is worth more than a dollar promised sometime in the future. Interest is the payment for the use of the money lent or borrowed (principal). Interest is figured on a rate basis. Any amount of money invested is worth more the sooner it is received (Time Value of Money - TVM, 2013)
Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay on The Work of a Social Worker - 1240 Words
â€Å"All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don’t discover why. Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others,†said Danny Thomas, founder of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (Danny). That concept inspires people every day to do better for others. Some are so passionate about helping individuals they decide to make a career out of it. Social work is one of the most renowned occupations when it comes to helping people. The path to becoming a social worker is very difficult, in both getting a degree and choosing an occupation. To be licensed as a social worker in Minnesota, North Dakota and most other states a person must obtain a Bachelor of Social Work degree†¦show more content†¦The B.S.W. degree is awarded once this exam is passed. With this degree people can find employment in three main areas. Child, family, and school social work is one field a graduate may choose to enter (What Can). Most people going into this profession are employed at state or local government agencies, schools, or individual and family service agencies (What Can). Issues addressed in this job environment are domestic violence, truancy, foster care, homelessness, adoption and teenage pregnancy (What Can). The median wage is around 39, 530 dollars annually (Social Workers). It is estimated that from 2008 to 2018 there will be a 12 percent increase in employment, totaling around 36,100 new employees (Social Workers). Mental health and substance abuse social workers are occupation that others find interest in (What Can). Employees in this field generally work at impatient and outpatient facilities. They provide therapy, intervention and rehabilitation for substance abusers and the mentally ill (What Can). Out of all the different entry-level social work positions, this profession is estimated to h ave the largest percent increase in employment. It is projected that from 2008 to 2018 there will be a 22 percent increase in employment, equaling 31,000 new employees (Social Workers). Individuals who are involved in this career are making an annual median salary of 46,650 dollars (Social Workers). Medical and public health social work is theShow MoreRelatedSocial Workers And Social Work Essay1165 Words  | 5 Pages In today`s society, social work as a profession has changed enormously over time. Many interviews, samples and surveys from individuals have been taken over the years about the perception of social workers. Earlier samples of surveys and interviews have shown that social work was not always a popular profession, but now social workers are popular publicly. The public as in people now has a better understanding of social work. Studies showed that numerous of people do not quite have a full understandingRead MoreSocial Workers And Social Work1684 Words  | 7 Pages At the heart of social work most social workers consider their social work values as one of the most crucial principles of the social work profession (Higham 2006). The recent report of the social work taskforce sets out a vision of social work for a profession confident about its values, purpose and identity (Social Work Taskforce, 2009, pg61). Generally, the term value is viewed as particular beliefs or principles an i ndividual may hold deemed worthy or valuable (Banks,S, 2006). BASWA 2012 definesRead MoreSocial Workers And The Social Work Essay1706 Words  | 7 PagesSocial workers are caregivers, they provide assistance to people in need, and they address social problems. The social worker’s goal is the improvement of society to better the lives of individuals in need. The social work professional mission is to enhance the well-being of people and to assist them in meeting their basic needs, with particular emphasis on the needs of the poor, and the vulnerable individual. The Social Work profession has six core values. Social workers incorporate these core valuesRead MoreSocial Workers And Social Work950 Words  | 4 Pages The social work profession is a profession that is created with educated professionals, social workers, which make important contributions to society by helping society’s most vulnerable individuals, families, and groups. Social workers assist vulnerable populations with enhancing their social functioning, meeting their needs, and solving problems. Social policies are a key component in the success of the social workers ability to help the vulnerable. â€Å"Social policies are the laws, rules, and regulationsRead MoreThe Social Work Of A Social Worker1585 Words  | 7 PagesAs a social worker, we are essentially given the opportunity to utilize our past and personal experiences, educational background, and diverse relationships to make a difference in countless people’s lives. Whether we choose to dedicate ourselves to practicing micro or macro social work, we can influence the outcomes of social policies, assist clients with obtaining basic necessities, or change a person’s thought processes by applying psychosocial theories as necessary. However, we are obligatedRead MoreSocial Workers And Social Work1377 Words  | 6 PagesSocial Workers Issues We are the present. The future is our children. We all have some child(ren) in our lives whom we love dearly and would probably die for them. They are our future. Many of those children need help; mental, emotional, and physical help. If these children do not receive help, our future will be worse than the present is now. Social workers can help fix that. In the last paper, I addressed the issue of social status/work. The work status fluctuates greatly pending on the fieldRead MoreThe Social Work Of A Social Worker1551 Words  | 7 PagesUnder the social work profession, social workers embrace the principle of social justice and are committed to work toward achieving social change. In direct practice, social workers work with individuals living in poverty and subjected to all sorts of injustices. In social work, practitioners work in partnership with clients, when coming up with possible solutions to the presenting problems. It is important that in the process, social workers re main with a nonjudgmental attitude and look at howRead MoreSocial Work As A Social Worker1414 Words  | 6 PagesWhat makes social work idiosyncratic unlike the rest is the willingness and passion to promote human well-being. I yearn and hunger to see growth of what is already innate. That is the reason psychology became my undeclared major. My ignorance of the social work role did create misconceptions and fears. I knew I had to be in some helping profession. I was not sure if I would do so through occupational therapy, psychology, teaching, or social work. I wanted to be a social worker, but I wasRead MoreSocial Worker And Social Work Essay1076 Words  | 5 Pagesdefinition of what social work is. My view of social work was based off of movies that portrayed social workers as individuals who only worked with children. In these movies, the social worker was known as the Child Protective Agent and was called in when a child or children were being mistreated. After taking this course, I now know that my idea of a social worker, although right, was only the tip of an iceberg. The social worker does not only work with children, they work within a large social system thatRead MoreSocial Work : A Social Worker1033 Words  | 5 Pagesbecome a social worker. Social work is a professional and academic discipline that works to improve the quality of life and enhance the wellbeing of individuals, families, couples, groups, and communities. Heather Holland is a Social Worker at Uniontown Hospital who has over 12 years’ experience in the field. She explains that a typical day on the job is far from easy. â€Å"Days in this career are crazy, busy, and mostly, undetermined†Holland explains of her days on the job. Social work is a very
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Independence Day Free Essays
If we are to ask American citizens, â€Å"What is the most terrible crime of all? †would we be surprised if most of them immediately relate to the 9/11 tragedy and choose terrorism as the answer? Of course not. A different answer, however, might be given to us if we asked them several years ago, before the disaster happened. It is human nature, to underestimate the proportion of an issue, until they have experienced it, first hand. We will write a custom essay sample on Independence Day or any similar topic only for you Order Now But the Americans have now experienced the bitterness of terrorism, they have lost husbands, wives, parents and siblings during the shocking tragedy, and certainly they have taken lessons from it as well. For decades, United States has been the most powerful nation on the surface of the earth. Is it logical to figure that an attack on this country was made without months, or even years of preparation? The attackers must have reliable information about the country’s defense before they start planning, where have they retrieved them? Should not these kinds of information be classified? These are necessary questions, and they will lead us to anticipate the next threat of terrorist actions. Information leaks about sensitive defense system are certainly important factors that made the 9/11 attack possible. Other leaks of information might cause another threats to America in the future. Here is where American Counterintelligence takes a vital role. American Counterintelligence has found that leaks of information have often happened in the United States governmental and intelligence environments. It turned out; the history of Americans sold out their country goes back a very long way. II. Is Espionage Treason? In its nature to jeopardize the life of hundreds or even thousands citizens, espionage should be consider an act of treason. But different of opinions still exist regarding actions that is classified as treason. Is espionage valued as low as defecting or a conspiracy against one’s country? A little trip in history will give us the solution. The crime treason has first found itself inside a constitutional foundation in 1350. It was a part of the Statute of Edward. Among the seven categories found in the statute of Edward, the words â€Å"adhering to enemies†and giving them â€Å"aid and comfort†has been classified as an act of treason. These words had also appeared in the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, on the year 1787. In its formulated Article III, section 3, the Constitutional Convention mentioned that treason consists of levying a war against the country, adhering to their enemies, and giving to them aid and comfort. After the Second World War, A review of eight convictions of treason has made the Supreme Court established four elements of treason, and providing â€Å"aid and comfort†to the enemy is still one of them (â€Å"Why Not Call It Treason? †) So it is obvious that espionage has and still considered as treason by US constitution, ancient and modern. Therefore, for the sake of many, sentences for espionage should not be made light. III. America’s First Counterintelligence Chief It was John Jay who’s first coordinated a national level of counterintelligence efforts. His job was leading a legislative committee to investigate a plot to sabotage defense and infrastructure targets in New York. In his investigations, Jay employ at least 10 agents, a few of the famous ones are Nathaniel Sackett, Elijah Hunter and Enoch Crosby. All of his agents were operating under enormous pressure. Some were undercover; being unmasked meant death to all of them (Rose P. K. ,1999). Enoch Crosby, is the best secret agent that John Jay have. He uses various names and identity to retrieve information about the pro-British’s activities. After he get â€Å"to famous†for his work in one place, he was assign to another area, joining another pro-British Colony (Rose, 1999). IV. Cases of Modern Espionage Although cases of treason by espionage are abundant since the Independence Day, we will elaborate new ones, in order to recognize an up to date espionage practices. Aldrich Ames’s treason was one of the most popular counterintelligence cases. How could it not be? Ames was the director of CIA Counterintelligence at the time. He was recruited by the Russian and has been supplying staggering amount of information for 10 years. A great number of US agents working undercover in Russia were arrested and killed because of Ames. Ames’s capture in 1994 didn’t come easy, especially after James J, Angleton (his predecessor) was falsely accused by his rivals as a Russian spy also (Hermon). Soon after Ames started to work for the Russian in 1983, suspicion about a spy in American Counterintelligence emerged. But in 1985, when John Pollard, a Jewish agent was arrested with spying for Israel, Aldrich Ames took the opportunity and put the blame to Pollard. In 1987, Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1987. His other successful attempt to turn away the spotlight was by sacrificing another â€Å"more expendable†Russian Spy in the CIA. His name is Edward Lee Howard. But by the help of Ames, Howard managed to flee to Moscow which granted him Political Asylum. Finally, by the testimony of Raffi Eitan, Director of the Office of Scientific Liaison that activated Pollard, Aldrich Ames was uncovered as one of the highest ranking Russian Spy in US Intelligence Agency (Carmel, 1994). But this is already 8 years longer than it supposed to be. Robert Philip Hanssen, age 56, was a veteran counterintelligence agent who was captured selling highly classified national security information to Russia and the former Soviet Union. He was with his colleague â€Å"defending the country†while secretly stabbed them from the back also. He sold up to 6. 000 pages of valuable documentary material in over than 20 separate occasions. In one occasion, FBI agents found that he trade the information with diamonds and more than $ 600. 000 US. Along with the sold documents, Hanssen had compromised FBI counterintelligence investigative techniques, methods and operations. Hanssen has been charged with espionage and conspiracy to commit espionage which are violations with a possible sentence of life in prison or the death penalty (US Department of Justice, 2001). Katrina Leung, a businesswoman and a fundraiser for the Republicans, has successfully compromised 20 years of intelligence work on the People’s Republic of China. Katrina poses as an informant, paid by the Bureau to give information about Chinese Intelligence Operations in America. But at the same time, she was also seducing two senior FBI agents for information. That information regarding the American intelligence was then delivered to Beijing, ruin two decades of counterintelligence work (Marshall, 2003). V. Mistakes and Suggestions One of the factors making it hard for the FBI agents to perform their duty is the organization’s structure. The bureau is apparently assigned on 2 similar missions which required the opposite skills and quality. The first mission is law enforcement and the second is Intelligence work. Although the two missions are similar, but sharing information, which is a necessity in law enforcement activities, would be disastrous for intelligence work. The double mission structure is making the work complicated and even impossible for FBI agents. Furthermore, the effort to change the structure is made difficult by the decision â€Å"not to change†of the newly arise Republicans (Marshall, 2003) The culture of working alone or in a small team has not make situations any easier. Once an agent is recruited, he/she is referred to as â€Å"special agents†and considered a part of a certain powerful group. This group is unlikely to have suspicion against its fellow agents unless there is no one else to be suspected. This is an obvious mistake. An intelligence agency is an organization working on the basis of suspicion. None should be consider above suspicion, even ones with seniority. The cases of Aldrich Ames and Robert Philip Hanssen should teach the FBI a very important lesson. In the world of intelligence, it is rather difficult to keep guard on every single possibility of breach. One intelligence agency will always do their best to penetrate all the others. If we are an American agent, working undercover in Russia for instance, we will always worry about a mole in American Agency, exposing our identity to the Russians, and vice versa. So how will we ensure the safety of our agents? , or how would we make easy to discover a mole inside our agency? One way to do it is, by what is called â€Å"compartementation†â€Å"Compartementation†is a design or organization, where individuals are sealed apart from others as humanly possible and information is shared only on a need to know basis. Although the design will make information sharing a little difficult, without it, a mole in the crowd could operate long enough to cause immense destruction before getting caught. A very good example of this is the Aldrich Ames case that we have elaborated before (Marshall, 2003). VI. Conclusion Since the Independence Day, intelligence has always been a mandatory but dangerous work. But due to its role keeping sensitive and classified information regarding a nation’s system of defense, being a dangerous job, is not all that surprising. As an attack on a country has always started with their leak of information, counterintelligence is nothing to be taken lightly. Severe punishment over traitors must also be made to set an example for others, in order not to have it repeated. Experience has shown us that the US counterintelligence activities have not been maximized. Possible reformation to increase the efficiency of the organization hasn’t been conducted yet. Meanwhile, double agents have reached as far as the highest level of American Counterintelligence Organization, and have been compromising national security for years before being captured. It is imperative for the organizations to really work on the basis of suspicion, to increase compartementation for a more trustworthy system of investigation. Hopefully, tragedy of counterintelligence such as Ames’s and Hanssen’s would never again be repeated for the sake of the country. Bibliography Carmel, Chezi. 1994. â€Å"The Conspiracy Against Pollard†. Maariv Weekend Supplement (on-line). Available from http://www. jonathanpollard. org/1994/031894. htm Accessed March 29 2005 Freeh, Louis J. 2001. US Department of Justice (on-line). Available from http://www. fbi. gov/pressrel/pressrel01/hanssen. htm Accessed March 29 2005 Hermon, Haim. â€Å"Free Jonathan Pollard†. Available from http://hhermon. tripod. com/jpollard/ Accessed March 29 2005 Marshall, Joshua Micah. 2003. â€Å"Counterintelligent†. Washington Monthly (on-line). Available from http://www. washingtonmonthly. com/features/2003/0307. marshall. html Accessed March 29 2005 Rose, P. K. 1999. â€Å"The Founding Fathers of American Intelligence†. Central Intelligence Agency. (on-line) Available from http://www. odci. gov/csi/books/940299/art-1. html . Accessed March 29 2005 â€Å"Why Not Call It Treason? ; from Korea to Afghanistan†. Available from http://www. henrymarkholzer. com/articles_why_not_treason. shtml Accessed March 29 2005 How to cite Independence Day, Papers Independence day Free Essays Good Morning Philippines, Respected teachers and my dear friends. I wish you a happy independence Day. INDEPENDENCE DAY means a day when we had got freedom from not only brute rulers but freedom from what from fulfillment of right needs†¦ Today on June 12,2014 Philippines is celebrating Its 16th Independence day and we are proud to say that we earned our freedom 116 year back, which was by an act passed by the American parliament and we were the first to get our Independence through the act which Is a mark of respect. We will write a custom essay sample on Independence day or any similar topic only for you Order Now Independence Day Is the day to commemorate all the works of certain people or Individuals who contributed much for the liberty of their country. More that celebrating the freedom of the country from slavery, dictatorship and tyrant rule, It Is also the day to acknowledge all the sufferings and hardships of these people we called heroes. We recognize their bravery and thank them for all the things they contributed for the freedom of their entry and countrymen. But let me remind you all that willing Independent was the end of our struggle, it was Just the beginning of our greatest challenge and that was to make us prosperous. As a Filipino citizen , we are proud of its golden past. We had one of the oldest and richest civilization of the world. Today we not only need to be proud of our glorious past but also work to make our present and future better than our past . We need to make our self so capable that we can praise its present ND this can be only done, when we work hard for it. And we can only work hard, if we have a feeling of patriotism nationalism in our heart. Patriotism is a very deep and meaningful word, and its meaning changes according to the demand of time. During pre Independence time, Patriotism meant to get out of our houses and fight against foreign rule, whereas today a true patriot is that person who gives best of his services in the development, progress and fulfillment of his nation as the best human resource. How to cite Independence day, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Democratization of Communist China free essay sample
An examination of various American presidential administrations foreign policies towards Communist China. This paper discusses how the various American presidents have sought to encourage the open market policy with China. It looks at the first moves by Nixon in 1972 to established ties with Communist China. It then examines how America has tried to establish an Free Trade policy with China. The paper focuses on the potential benefits a free trade agreement would have on both China and the U.S., as well as the international economy as a whole. The democratization of Communist China is neither likely nor feasible. Not in the foreseeable future. It was a brilliant and promising move when former President Richard Nixon first established ties with Communist China in 1972 as one dictatorial power playing over another dictatorial power (Boycott China 2002) as a face-saving act during the Vietnam War fiasco and at a time that Russia was on the offensive. We will write a custom essay sample on Democratization of Communist China or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page During the Reagan administration, China began evolving into a freer and more open society, hinting at an evolving democracy. The American people had hoped to help build that democratic society and thought it would happen then. Today, President Bushs government wants to establish a free trade agreement with China so that it will be more dependent on us and become freer, more prosperous and more peaceful. China has the biggest population in the world and is thus the largest market for American products. Free trade would, therefore, enhance American objectives and economy while helping Communist China turn into a democratic society.
Democratization of Communist China free essay sample
An examination of various American presidential administrations foreign policies towards Communist China. This paper discusses how the various American presidents have sought to encourage the open market policy with China. It looks at the first moves by Nixon in 1972 to established ties with Communist China. It then examines how America has tried to establish an Free Trade policy with China. The paper focuses on the potential benefits a free trade agreement would have on both China and the U.S., as well as the international economy as a whole. The democratization of Communist China is neither likely nor feasible. Not in the foreseeable future. It was a brilliant and promising move when former President Richard Nixon first established ties with Communist China in 1972 as one dictatorial power playing over another dictatorial power (Boycott China 2002) as a face-saving act during the Vietnam War fiasco and at a time that Russia was on the offensive. We will write a custom essay sample on Democratization of Communist China or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page During the Reagan administration, China began evolving into a freer and more open society, hinting at an evolving democracy. The American people had hoped to help build that democratic society and thought it would happen then. Today, President Bushs government wants to establish a free trade agreement with China so that it will be more dependent on us and become freer, more prosperous and more peaceful. China has the biggest population in the world and is thus the largest market for American products. Free trade would, therefore, enhance American objectives and economy while helping Communist China turn into a democratic society.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Grapes Of Wrath Essays - U.S. Route 66, Dust Bowl,
Grapes Of Wrath Throughout history man has made many journeys, far and wide, Moses great march though the Red Sea and Columbus' crossing of the Atlantic Ocean are only a few of mans greatest voyages. Even today great journeys are being made. In every instances people have had to rise above themselves and over come emence odds. The Joads did just that by traveling to California to find work. Steinbeck shows one aspect of this real life journey by displaying it by a turtle and it's struggle to reach the other side of a road. As the turtle is about to reach his goal, it is returned to it's original location, but it does not waver in it's determination, and continues across the road until it reaches the other side. The Joad family and Casy identify with this the most because the undergo tremendous heartache, yet they stay true to their plans and never give up. They are faced with death and sickness, but they never give up. Steinbeck wrote ?In the evening a strange thing happened: twenty families became one family, the children were the children of all the loss of home became one loss, and the golden time in the West was one dream? This was what the Joads were searching for they wanted to feel like they belonged. Ma was the one who was mostly searching for this. This is her journey to keep the family together. Her belief that a broken-family will not be able to accomplish anything. This is displayed by her not allowing the two cars to split and arrive at California at different times, when one of the cars breaks down, as they are leaving Oklahoma. Ma says ?I ain't a-gonna go.? The only way she'll let the family break up is if pa whips her and makes her go. Pa's journey is displayed by his trying to fit in and make a difference. He does not handle this move very well, and throughout their journey, he is confused, and not as headstrong as Ma. He realizes this also, he knows that he can't help the family the way he use to. So he searches for anyway he can help. When the rain was coming it was this idea to dig a ditch. It was a good idea but it failed and it reflected on him. Tom Joad is a very complicated individual, who is a tremendous asset and at the same time a tremendous burden. His Parole causes his family an unneeded worry, while his ability to get work while very few people do, also benefited the family. He is also the main protagonists for his family, with his independent nature, and the main follower of Casy's philosophy on human nature. Tom's journey let to Casy's death it wasn't his fault but he realized the importance of Casy's ideas. This ultimately let to this leaving the family to help other people. Tom said ?...I'll be aroun' in the dark. I'll be ever'where - wherever you look. Wherever they's a fight so hungry people can eat, I'll be there. Wherever they's a cop beatin' up a guy, I'll be there....I'll be in the way guys yell when they're mad an' - I'll be in the way kids laugh when they're hungry an' they know supper's ready. An' when our folks eat the stuff they raise an' live in the houses they build - why I'll be there.? Tom was in a way like a hero to his people. Casy has frequently been compared with Jesus Christ, and his lifestyle of preaching and leading people in revolt, as well as sacrificing himself for Tom and the Joad family demonstrates this common held belief well. He also had a follower, or disciple in Tom, who after Casy's death carries his message, and aids other with it. The Joad family along with Casy show the benefit of people uniting in order to accomplish goals. Rose of Sharon baby symbolizes live and death. The baby dies but in a way it brings live to the old man who needs milk. The end of the book is not the end of their journey. The people are only still at the beginning. But the hardest part
Monday, November 25, 2019
Pronoun Case on SAT Writing Tips and Practice Questions
Pronoun Case on SAT Writing Tips and Practice Questions SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you ready for more grammar funPronoun case is a grammar rule that is regularly tested on the SAT. You know the drill: Learn the SAT Writing rule and you'll raise your score. There are multipe pronoun rules that are tested in SAT Writing. This one is relatively straightforward and tends to be tested a little less often than the others. However, you will most likely see at least one or two pronoun case questions on the SAT. Let's master this rule, learn tips and strategies to solve these questions, and get you one step closer to your target score. In this post, I'll do the following: Explain the difference between subjects and objects. Give you a clear understanding of pronoun case. Offer strategies that can help you correctly answer pronoun case questions. Provide you with practice questions so you can test what you've learned. Quick Review: What's a Pronoun? A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. The noun to which the pronoun refers is called the antecedent. Some examples of pronouns include I, he, she, it, me, him, her, their, we, and us. What is Pronoun Case? Case refers to whether a pronoun is being used as a subject or an object. What is a Subject? Simply, a subject is the noun that corresponds with a verb in a sentence. In a sentence where there is an action, the subject is the noun that is doing the action. Here is an example: Justin writes articles. Justin is the subject because he does the writing. In a sentence where there is a description, typically using a form of the verb "to be", the subject is the noun that is being described. Consider this possibly accurate sentence: Justin is odd. Justin is the subject because he is the person who is odd. What is an Object? An object is a noun that receives an action. An object can be a direct object of a verb, an object of a preposition, or an indirect object of a verb. Here is an example sentence with a noun as a direct object of a verb: I ate an orange. The object is "an orange" because that is what I ate. Here's an example sentence in which I bolded the object of the preposition: John spoke to his niece. John's niece is the object because she is the person to whom he spoke. An indirect object comes before the direct object and indicates to whom or for whom the action is done and who is receiving the direct object. Here is an example sentence with the indirect object bolded: I gave my girlfriend a sweatshirt. In the sentence "my girlfriend" is the indirect object because I gave a sweatshirt to her. The sweatshirt is the direct object because that is what I gave. If you're confused by the concept of an indirect object, for the purpose of pronoun case, just remember that the object receives the action, either directly or indirectly. Subject Pronouns Vs. Object Pronouns If a noun is being used as a subject, it can be replaced by a subject pronoun. If a noun is being used as an object, it can be replaced by an object pronoun. Here is a list of subject pronouns: SINGULAR SUBJECT PRONOUNS I You He/She/It/One Who PLURAL SUBJECT PRONOUNS We You They Who Here is a list of object pronouns, corresponding to the ones above: SINGULAR OBJECT PRONOUNS Me You Her/Him/It/One Whom PLURAL OBJECT PRONOUNS Us You Them Whom Now that we've covered all the basics, we are equipped with the necessary knowledge to tackle pronoun case questions on the SAT. Pronoun Case on the SAT The SAT tests you on whether you should use a subject pronoun or an object pronoun. You will be tested on the following subject/object pairs: I Vs. Me She, He Vs. Her, Him We Vs. Us They Vs. Them Who Vs. Whom So, now we'll go through the process of how to decide whether to use a subject or an object pronoun in a given sentence. Strategy Let's go over some example sentences showing how subject pronouns can replace subjects and object pronouns can replace objects. Check out the following sentence: Sonia delivered a spectacular speech. Let's replace "Sonia" with a pronoun. First, we have to determine if Sonia is a subject or an object. Well, because she is the person who did the action, she is the subject. So, we must use a subject pronoun. After replacing "Sonia" with a pronoun, the sentence should read: She delivered a spectacular speech. You cannot replace "Sonia" with an object pronoun. You cannot write "Her delivered a spectacular speech." That is an example of a pronoun case error. Here is another example sentence: Hillary Clinton gave her autograph to Bob. Let's go through the same process and replace "Bob" with a pronoun. Is Bob a subject or an object? Well, he follows the preposition "to" and received the autograph from Hillary Clinton. Bob is an object. So, we have to replace Bob with an object pronoun. The resulting sentence should look like this: Hillary Clinton gave her autograph to him. If we made a pronoun case error when replacing "Bob" with a pronoun, the sentence would read, "Hillary Clinton gave her autograph to he." This rule seems relatively simple, right? Subjects do actions. Objects receive actions. Well, we know the SAT likes to complicate the most basic sentences and truly test your understanding of a grammar rule. Pronoun case questions become more difficult in sentences with compound subjects and compound objects. The Same Rules Apply for Compound Subjects and Compound Objects Compound just means that two nouns are connected with the word "and". In a sentence with a compound subject, there are two nouns that serve as the subject. In a sentence with compound objects, there are two objects of the same verb. Let's look at an example sentence: Ice-T and Justin met at an IHOP. "Ice-T and Justin" are the subject. They are the people who did the meeting. Now, let's replace "Justin" with a pronoun. We know that "Justin" is a subject so we have to use a subject pronoun. Because I am Justin, my sentence would look like this: Ice-T and I met at an IHOP. If you were writing this sentence about me, your sentence would look like this: Ice-T and he met at an IHOP. That sentence probably sounds awkward to you, but it is grammatically correct. Most people would use the object pronoun and write, "Ice-T and him met at an IHOP." That would be a pronoun case error. Remember, always follow the grammar rules and avoid relying on what "sounds right". Let's go through the same process with another example sentence: Mr. T gave gold chains to Marc and Justin. Again, let's replace "Justin" with a pronoun. Are "Marc and Justin" subjects or objects? Well, they received the gold chains. Also, they follow the preposition "to". They are objects. So, we have to replace "Justin" with an object pronoun. Because I am Justin, this would be my sentence: Mr. T gave gold chains to Marc and me. Many students are tempted to write "Marc and I" in this situation. However, in this sentence, that would be a pronoun case error. "I" can only be used as a subject and "me" can only be used as an object. If you were writing the preceding example sentence about me, you would write: Mr. T gave gold chains to Marc and him. Because we are replacing an object with a pronoun, we have to use an object pronoun. The SAT tends to use compound subjects or objects in questions that test pronoun case because the correct answer often sounds wrong to us. So, can we employ a strategy that allows us to more easily identify pronoun case errors in sentences with compound subjects or objects? Yes!!! Strategy If you see a compound subject/object, cross out the other noun and "and". For compound objects, the sentence should still be grammatically correct. Let's do this with the previous example: Mr. T gave gold chains to Marc and me. This sentence probably sounds less awkward to you. Most likely, you would be able to immediately identify a pronoun case error if you saw a sentence that read, "Mr. T gave gold chains to I". If you do the same thing with a compound subject, the sentence will be grammatically correct if you also change the verb from plural to singular, due to subject-verb agreement. However, keep in mind that the singular and plural forms of a verb can be the same. Let's use the cross-out method with a compound subject to help determine if there is a pronoun case error. Look at the following sentence: Nathan and him went to college together. After crossing out the noun and "and", we're left with "him went to college together". Does "him went to college" sound right to you? Probably not. Regardless, let's rely on the rules. In this sentence, is "him" a subject or an object? It's a subject because they did the action. They went together. Because "him" is an object pronoun, there is a pronoun case error. The sentence should read: Nathan and he went to college together. Let's use what we've learned on a real example from the SAT. Real SAT Writing Example This is an example taken from an actual SAT. Try to use your newly acquired knowledge of pronoun case and the appropriate strategy to answer this question. This is an "identify the error" question. Where is the error? Is there an error? Well, let's take a look at answer choice C and determine if "I" is being used correctly. If we use the cross-out strategy we learned to utilize with compound subjects/objects, we're left with "Mary invited I". Perhaps you know the answer at this point. If not, let's take this a step further. Is "I" being used as a subject or object? Well, in the sentence, "I" is receiving the action. "I" is being invited. Therefore, "I" is being used as an object. That is incorrect. The pronoun "I" can only be used as a subject. The answer is C. The sentence should read, "Mary invited Sandhya and me". Here's one more example for you: Is there a pronoun case error in this sentence? Let's look at the phrase "him and his sister Rosa were presented". If we use the cross-out strategy and change the verb from plural to singular, we're left with "him was presented". Would you ever say, "him was presented with an award"? I hope not, because "him" is an object pronoun and it is being used as a subject! In the example sentence, the phrase should be "he and his sister Rosa were presented with awards". The answer is A. Who Vs. Whom Occasionally, the SAT will also test you on whether to use "who" or "whom" in a sentence. These words are known as relative pronouns. Most people have no idea when and how to properly use "who" and "whom". Luckily, the rule is pretty simple. The word "who" is a subject pronoun and "whom" is an object pronoun. Here's a tip to help you more easily answer questions involving "who" or "whom". Strategy In terms of pronoun case, "who" and "whom" function like "he" and "him". The word "who" is a subject pronoun and "whom" is an object pronoun. To determine if there is a pronoun case error, replace "who" with "he" and "whom" with "him". If the antecedent is plural, replace "who" with "they" and "whom" with "them". Here is an example sentence: Justin, who is my teacher, knows when to use "whom" correctly. So, the sentence is saying that Justin is my teacher. "Who" modifies Justin, who is being described as my teacher. If we replace "who" with "he", the resulting sentence is grammatically correct: He is my teacher. Therefore, "who" is being properly used as a subject. Take a look at this sentence: Justin, whom I adore, writes articles for PrepScholar. In the sentence, the clause with "whom" is saying that "I adore Justin". If we replace "whom" with "him", the resulting sentence is also grammatically correct: I adore him. The word "whom" is being properly used as an object. It is modifying "Justin", who is receiving the adoration. Do you get it? Here's one more example: My friend, to whom I wrote a nasty e-mail, is not talking to me. Here, the sentence is saying that "I wrote a nasty e-mail to my friend". If we're replacing "my friend" with a pronoun, would we use the subject or object case? Well, since "my friend" follows the preposition "to" and receives the action, you should use the object form. You would write "I wrote a nasty e-mail to him" and not "I wrote a nasty e-mail to he." Therefore, you would also use the object case of the relative pronoun. The word "whom" is being used correctly in the sentence. Now we can take what we've learned to an actual example from an SAT. Real SAT Writing Example Here is an "identify the error" question from a real SAT. Use our strategy and your knowledge of pronoun case to determine if "who" is being used correctly: In the sentence, "who" is modifying the investors. The antencedent is plural, so with our replacement strategy we should use a plural pronoun. Does the grammatically correct sentence use a subject pronoun? Should it be "They sold stocks"? Or does the grammatically correct sentence use an object pronoun? Should it be "Them sold stocks"? The answer, of course, is that the sentence requires a subject pronoun. The investors did the selling. Therefore, "who" is being used correctly. Actually, the answer to this question is D. The word "exceptional" should be in the adverb form, "exceptionally". Now that we have thoroughly investigated pronoun case and the various types of pronoun case questions on the SAT, here are some general strategies to ensure that you correctly answer any pronoun case question you may encounter. Almost there! General SAT Writing Strategies for Pronoun Case #1: If a Pronoun is Underlined, Check for an Error in Pronoun Case If a pronoun is underlined in any of the writing subsections (sentence improvement, identify the error, or paragraph improvement), make sure there is not a pronoun case error. #2: Determine if the Pronoun is Being Used as a Subject or Object If the pronoun is doing the action or being described, it is a subject. If the pronoun is receiving the action, it is an object. Use subject pronouns for subjects and object pronouns for objects. Use the replacement strategy, if necessary, to help determine if a noun is a subject or object. #3: The Same Rules Apply for Compound Subjects/Objects If you see a compound subject/object, the sentence should be grammatically correct if you get rid of one of the nouns and "and". Change "John and I went to the store" to "I went to the store". The sentence is still correct. So, if you see a compound subject/object on the SAT, use the cross out strategy to help determine if there is a pronoun case error. For compound subjects, also make sure that you change the verb from plural to singular. #4: If a Pronoun Follows a Preposition, It is an Object Pronoun Pronouns that follow prepositions, specifically "to", "for", or "between", should be in the object case. #5: Use the Replacement Strategy for Who Vs. Whom If you are trying to determine whether "who" or "whom" should be used, replace "who" with "he" for singular antecedents and "who" with "they" for plural antecedents. In the spirit of gender equality, you can also replace "who" with "she". The word "whom" should be replaced with "him" for singular antecedents and "them" for plural antecedents. Again, feel free to replace "whom" with "her". Additional Practice Hopefully by this point you understand pronoun case and how to correctly answer any pronoun case question that may appear on the SAT. I've created some realistic SAT Writing practice questionsto test you on what you've learned. Remember to use the general strategies I referenced above. 1. Inside the classroom, my teacher (A) and me (B) have a relationship that (C) inspires me (D) to learn. No error (E) 2.Due to her (A) excellent behavior and kindness to others, (B) she (C) was given the citizenship award by her (D) principal. No error (E) 3. Even after our (A) nasty fight, there is (B) no animosity between (C) our neighbors and we. (D) No error (E) 4.We (A) were surprised to learn (B) that the honor of carrying (C) the torch was bestowed upon she. (D) No error (E) 5.I (A) was excited to hand the coach and they (B) their (C) trophy after they (D) won the championship game. (E) No error Answers: 1. B, 2., E, 3. D, 4. D, 5. B What's Next? Keep honing all the skills you need to do well on SAT Writing. I recommend checking out this article about what's actually tested on SAT Writing. If you're focusing on grammar, read the complete guide to SAT grammar rules. Those who want to challenge themselves and test their mastery of the SAT Writing section should check out this post about the hardest SAT writing questions. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Writing and grammar lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
B322 Investigating entrepreneurial opportunities Essay
B322 Investigating entrepreneurial opportunities - Essay Example However the treatments are frequently conducted over a fairly long period of time and at considerable expense. The acupressure complimentary treatment centre deploys modern technology in order to provide complimentary health benefits at an affordable price to the general public. The target market is the general public. Competitors are complimentary treatment centres and individual practices and also allopathic general medical treatment centres and individual practices. Also to a lesser degree health spas and beauty salons. Acupressure is a derivative of acupuncture which out of all the complimentary healing systems is the most recognised. In particular acupressure has the advantage over acupuncture in that no needles are used in the treatment plan. The acupressure centre will employ state of the art technology to derive benefits similar to acupressure to its customers, however at a much more competitive price and in a manner which allows for considerable longer and more frequent treatments than provided for by the traditional acupressure practices. I have considerable commercial experience combined with a long term interest and experience of complementary medicine. While I believe in complimentary medicine I find the present practice of complimentary medicine to be laborious and expensive. By leveraging my commercial experience I believe I can create a unique twist on the present complimentary health offering. Question 2 Prepare a report of up to 1,200 words addressed to your tutor. Describe the main features of the competitive market in which you intend to do business and explain how and why your idea will be innovative. Explain clearly what particular innovation or market gap your idea addresses and what benefits it will offer to your target customers. Explain how you will acquire or develop the skills necessary for successfully launching your idea. You should take into account: l the concepts covered in the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Leadership evaluation of prior manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Leadership evaluation of prior manager - Essay Example Usually these kinds of leaders have high level of performances and low level of grievances as these leaders are more committed to achieving goals. Moreover, high task leaders are strong when it comes to technical skills and are good nurturers and planners. Another important trait that such leaders possess is the work allocation as proper defining and scheduling of work is done for workers to maximize productivity and later for doing assessment for workers. Similarly, high people leadership style focuses on building trust between manager and workers. This kind of leadership usually has strong personal traits and are committed towards making a bridge between manager and worker by creating or ensuring trust, delegating responsibilities to the workers, motivating employees by listening and fulfilling their needs. Philip Mayers, director of Make a Wish organization Australia, was asked to fill the assessment form for behavioral leadership. He scored 8 (in terms of odd numbers) which proved that he possessed high task leadership. Moreover, in terms of even number, Philip Mayers score was 7, which meant he had high people leadership style as well. It has been found that Mayers ensured that his employees were engaged with work full-time and were not doing any other activity during working hours. Similarly he does not waste time in knowing about employees during working hours and believes in setting goals and agenda during department meetings. He believes in punctuality and has a clear policy of briefing employees what needs to be done. However in case of conflicts in the organization, he personally gets involved and tries to come up with the solution to carry out work in a peaceful manner. Also he periodically tries to motivate his staff so that they can achieve goals easily. In terms of working habits, Mayers is reluctant in giving permission regarding problems that occur during work and the solutions of those problems. He believes in
Monday, November 18, 2019
Personality disorders and eating disorders Essay
Personality disorders and eating disorders - Essay Example would have been very difficult for me even to accept the behavior of Aidan initially, but with time I would have also accepted the absurd behavior or sexual innuendoes of Aidan. Like Richard only, I would have also passed through a volley of comments sometimes discreet and sometimes open from my colleagues or seniors. At one side the pang of homophobia and on the other hand the teasing and threats of mismanagement regarding handling the case form the colleagues would have been a mental pressure and anxiety for me. I would have felt disgusted, lonely, and even distracted from my other jobs as the client used to show resentment for Richard’s divided attention. At some point of time my disgust would have reached its optimum point as it can happen in the case of any happily married man. The sense of isolation or when everybody around fails to interpret one’s activities is really more depressing and frustrating for a working married man as in this case the mental disgust cau ses misbalance in behavior which causes disturbances in both the domain-professional and personal. But like Richard only I would have also discussed the case with my staff and crew cause open communication helps in clearing up all the misunderstandings and doubts. It is obvious that Richard shares a special kind of sympathy with the patient which is a mark of a true nursing staff but really it is impossible to say whether it would have been possible for me like Richard to hold back patience and face the disgust of everyone around yet serve the ailing client who can be a trauma to any one and every one. Though tough but in this case dealing with Aidan in my own way and receiving comments and giving explanations for the way of treatment would have been hard for me to balance, but with endurance and patience I would have overcome it. Putting oneself in place of Aidan who is an acute patient of Personality Disorder is weirder but like Aida, I would also have tried to cling to Richard and my
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Work And Impacts Of Gertrude Wilson Social Work Essay
The Work And Impacts Of Gertrude Wilson Social Work Essay When pursuing a degree in social work, a student experiences equal exposure to group work and individual case work. The curriculum set out by the Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) requires that a healthy mixture of the two be taught in order to grant a degree in social work (CSWE, 2010). Every person becomes involves with different groups during their life, but within social work, groups are a tool for helping bring people together and solve problems, not only for recreation. One of the people responsible for the foundation of group work education in America was Gertrude Wilson. Gertrude Wilson was born in 1895, three years before the first course on social work was available at Columbia University in 1898. She was raised in a town with fewer than 200 people in Dana, Illinois (Chambers, 1986). Miss Wilson grew up seeing women like Jane Adams and Frances Perkins having an impact on the social fabric of America through the settlement house movement. She entered Illinois Womens College in 1915, but ended up receiving a Bachelors degree in Philosophy from the University of Chicago (Chambers). After two years of teaching high school, she became a secretary for the Young Womens Christian Academy (YWCA) in Pennsylvania. Ten years later, she returned to Chicago as the administrator of the new Women in the Workforce branch of the YWCA. Miss Wilson has stated that her experience with the YWCA opened her eyes to the ability of groups to influence peoples lives for the better (Greenwood, 1985). It was during her time with the YWCA that she met Grace Coyle, a sociologist, who convinced her to leave the YWCA and take a position teaching at Western Case University in Cleveland, Ohio in 1935. Wilson attended the University of Chicago part time while teaching in Ohio and received her M.A. from its School of Social Service Administration in 1938 (Chambers, 1986). She became a member of the American Association for the Study of Group Work (AASGW) and assisted Coyle with some of the first research done on groups in social work. Shortly after receiving her degree, Wilson moved to the University of Pittsburgh. It was here that she published her first two, and what many believe, most influential books (Weil, Southerland, Chou, 1991). Her first book, Case Work and Group Work was published in 1941.When Wilson began writing, the field of social work was dominated by case work, a more individual based approach that applied methods of psychoanalytic theory rather than examine environmental factors. Along with Coyle, she was among the first to argue that personal problems were not solely internal, but also found in external sources such as family organization and interaction. She advocated an integrated approach that involved both case work and group work to treat separate issues together rather than individually (Wilson G. , Case work and group work, 1941). Case Work and Group Work was not written with the intent to make group work seem more important than case work. In the first few pages of Case Work and Group Work, Wilson decried the short-visioned little cults of method and function that claim their superiority at the expense of healthy clients (Wilson, 1941). Hers was an argument to consolidate the two approaches rather than create separate disciplines. Group social work existed, but still lacked any single academic foundation for study. She presented the book before the AASGW, the Psychiatric Social Workers Association (PSWA), and multiple schools of social work around the country. At the National Conference on Social Work in 1942, Gertrude Wilson further expanded on what she began discussing in Case Work and Group Work. Wilson believed that group work could bring about changes in the values of individuals and society as a whole. She argued that a worker could dynamically influence the environment of the group for the better by directing certain processes towards specific social goals (Wilson G. , 1942). At this conference she defined three different ways in which the worker might influence the group by à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦directing the process toward the accomplishment of a social goal conceived in a democratic philosophy. They are 1) developmental, as it provided for normal social growth; 2) protective or corrective, in that it could be offered to people without groups; and 3) instrumental in achieving of socially desirable ends. (Wilson) Her view put forth the idea that the good of the one and the good of the many were dependent on each other and social workers had a social responsibility to address both in order to build society (Weil, K., Southerland, 1991) After several years at Pittsburgh University, Miss Wilson and her colleague Gladys Ryland published Social Group Work Practice. Group work had lacked this academic foundation for so many years. It offered a systematic method of applying group work for social work practice. As the first book to actually offer a process for applying group work, it became the first textbook for group work and was used in schools of social work across the United States. It was called the Green Bible due to the color of its cover and size (Weil, Southerland, Chou, 1991). Many still consider it the most influential book on group work in social work history (Chambers, 1986). The 700-page book can be divided into two sections: practice methods and case studies. The first half of the book described group work methods and theories about groups. For the first time, a social group work method was described. This was based on Wilson and Rylands experience with groups and Grace Coyles research. Miss Wilson expressed the key goal of group workers as such: The workers aim is to help the members of groups develop the capacity to carry on their own group life and achieve goals (Wilson, 1949). This goal is still considered important and appears in the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics to this day NASW, 2009). The second half of the book contained analyses of different groups, their specific activities and how the social group work method applies to them. Miss Wilsons research over the years is seen here in the detailed case studies included in this section. The case studies cover groups from preschool to retirement, reflecting the extent that Miss Wilson went to in researching the book. Significantly, much of the case study material was drawn from work in recreational and informal educational agencies because group social work was not practiced often in a clinical setting at that time (Weil, Southerland, Chou, 1991). The case studies included in Wilsons book may be dated, but the concepts of group work that they represent have withstood the test of time. The last half-century has seen a great deal of social change and numerous group work textbooks since Social Group Work Practice, but Wilsons original ideas about group work have remained largely unchanged and few modern texts can refer to group work without referencing the work of Gertrude Wilson, especially this book. One of the most tempestuous times in Gertrude Wilsons life was during the time that she and Gladys Ryland were putting Social Group Work Practice together at the University of Pittsburgh. During the late 1940s, anti-communist politicians began attacking the field of social work because of its progressive views and support of New Deal policies to assist the needy (Andrews Reisch, 1997). One of the main targets was Marion Hathaway, the director of the School of Social Work at the University of Pittsburgh (Reisch Andrews, 2001). Wilson was among the several educators and students that supported Hathaway and her support (along with many other faculty members) caused friction between the School of Social Work in Pittsburgh and the university chancellor (Wilson, 1978). Wilson was one of the many professors who resigned from the college in 1950 under pressure (Wilson). Ryland was terminated after refusing to resign a few months after Wilson left (Andrews Reisch). Wilson did not let this controversy stop her career. She joined the School of Social Welfare at Berkeley in 1951. It was here that she developed a professional education program focused on training new social workers. Originally known as the Certificate Program in the Social Services, it contained specific courses over a two-year period that ended with a two-week seminar on campus (Greenwood, 1985). The Council on Social Work education (CSWE) in 1952 adopted this program as the model for national accreditation (Weil, Southerland, Chou, 1991). At Berkeley, Wilson taught courses in both theory and practice in group work. She was a frequent speaker at seminars and conventions all over the United States and she guest-lectured at the Columbia, Smith, and Tulane Schools of Social Work. Even after retirement, she served as a consultant to social agencies, schools of social work and professional associations. Wilson used her own experience to constantly refine what she considered a dynamic aspect of social work (From practice to theory: a personalized history, 1976). Wilson wrote dozens of conference papers, journal articles, chapters in books, and monographs although she will most likely always be remembered for Social Group Work Practice with Gladys Ryland in 1949. She was one of eight social work pioneers chosen for the NASW Oral History Project in 1978. Each participant took part in a 1-2 hour interview that was recorded and placed in the Library of Congress. Berkley performed a similar interview on videotape in 1982. Both recordings are very difficult to obtain. Although she officially retired from Berkeley in 1963, the college was very gracious following her death from cancer in 1985 (Greenwood, 1985). Gertrude Wilson was an amazing woman who pushed social barriers as an educator and activist. She was one of very few women with a full professorship in the 1930s. Her work in the first half of the 20th century still influences social work today in the 21st. She had a passion for helping people that encouraged her to study a field of practice that was barely recognized until the 1940s. Not only did she pursue that field, she made it possible for others to do so as well by writing the first textbook on the practice of group work. Her certificate program at Berkley was the foundation for modern undergraduate social work curriculum in universities across the nation. These are all accomplishments she made in her field that show her impression on the practice, theory and future practitioners of social work. Personally, I am inspired by her resolve to follow her passion even though there wasnt a road to follow; she dug it out herself so that she could reach her destination and so that others could follow her. It is this attitude that inspires me in my pursuit to implement school social work in Oklahoma. It will never exist in Oklahoma if people do not fight for it and have a practical way to practice it once it does.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Are Spinozistic Ideas Cartesian Judgements? :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays
Are Spinozistic Ideas Cartesian Judgements? Abstract Some commentators of Spinoza maintain that Spinozistic ideas are judgements. I shall call this view the common interpretation, since it is popular to interpret Spinoza as reacting against Descartes’s theory of ideas and accordingly consider Spinozistic ideas not as Cartesian ideas, but as Cartesian judgements. The clearest difference between Descartes and Spinoza here is that whereas Descartes thought that ideas are passive, Spinoza thought the opposite. The concept of activity plays accordingly an important role in interpreting Spinoza’s theory of ideas. According to the common interpretation Spinoza and Descartes use the concept of activity in the same way. And since Descartes thought that judgements are active, it is maintained that the Spinozistic, active ideas are like Cartesian judgements. I find that the considerations according to which the activity of Spinozistic ideas is seen in the light of Descartes’s distinction between action and passion are based on too superficial an interpretation of Spinoza. I argue that what Spinoza means by saying that ideas are active does not merely mean that they are active in a Cartesian sense. He has in mind something additional to the mere Cartesian activity. Whereas Spinoza wants to say that active ideas incorporate the property of truth or certainty, Descartes does not think in that way about judgements. Thus, the Spinozistic ideas can be called truth-expressing. Introduction Renà © Descartes brought the concept of idea into a central place in epistemology. Another famous rationalistâ€â€Benedictus de Spinozaâ€â€made use of the same term "idea", but had an entirely different view concerning the nature of ideas. Whereas Descartes thought that ideas are passive, Spinoza had the opposite view according to which ideas are active. In this paper I shall examine what Spinoza means by the activity of ideas. According to some commentators Spinozistic ideas should be seen as Cartesian judgements. I call this view the common interpretation and I shall argue that it does not capture the whole of Spinoza’s theory of active ideas. The activity of Spinozistic ideas is something more than merely the kind of activity found in Cartesian judgements. In the first part I will sketch Descartes’ conception of ideas as passive. In the second and third part I move on the outline Spinoza’s position and point out that there are passages which motivate the common interpretation. In the fourth part I will proceed to argue that the activity of Spinozistic ideas is not merely that of Cartesian judgements.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Unusual Festivals
My lecture is about unusual festivals. Could you give me some examples for unusual festival? -Yes that’s true -Don’t you have any idea? I'm sure you have seen some unusual festivals on TV but now you might forgot them. Forexample you imagin a lot of people gathering in a city throwing tomatos at each other just for fun. Have you ever participated in an unusual festival? -Yes: great this is such an interesting experience I'm sure you never fogot that day. -No: no problem I will give you a lot of information about it. I think you might be in charshanbesori.It is held In the last Wednesday of the year. Just as the rest of the world moves forward into the online digital world, there are still various classical traditions from past centuries that retains their popularity with the new younger generation of people. Even as some of these traditions are strange and unusual, they have been held until now. Another example is Halloween. On October 31, in many countries children and adults dress up in unusual costumes. Some become witches or ghosts; others dress up as trees, goats, and in other very unusual costumes.This festival started in Europe and has spread to all parts of the world. However, not all celebrations spread around the world. Every country has its own singular festivals. The first example that I prepared is Festival of Snakes Many people are afraid of snake.. In some parts of the world, snakes are regarded as evil or, at least, dangerous. But, there is one small village in Italy where the people seem to worship snakes. They show their respect and love for snakes with a festival. This festival is held each year in the tiny village of Cocullo, which is surrounded by some of Italy's wildest forests.There is a legend in Cocullo that the surrounding mountains and forests were once full of poisonous snakes. Many of the people from Cocullo who went into these areas died after being bitten by the poisonous snakes. In 700 B. C. , the villagers prayed t o Apollo, a Greek god, for help. Apollo told them to capture the snakes, put them around his statue in the village, and then put them back in the mountains and forests. This seemed to work, and the ritual has been repeated ever since. Over the years, the villagers have made some changes to this tradition.Now a statue of a Christian saint, Domenica, has replaced the statue of the Greek god Apollo. In addition, the villagers have added fireworks to the festival. Celebrations begin on Saint Joseph's Day, March 19, when the first snakes of the season are captured and put in cages. Two months later, on the first Thursday in May, villagers set off fireworks and then go to church. After church, the statue of Saint Domenica is carried through the streets, and villagers put the captured snakes around his statue. Then, more fireworks are set off.At the edge of the village, the snakes are set free in the forest, and the villagers believe that they are immune from snakebites for another year. L a Tomatina The festival of La Tomatina in Bufiol, Spain, is very simple. It is a food fight festival. Everyone throws tomatoes at each other on the last Wednesday of August. The town's streets turn bright red as over 20,000 people hit each other with large, red, soft tomatoes. There are many ideas on how the festival started. The most likely explanation is that it started as a fight between poor and rich teenagers.No one knows who threw the first tomato, but somehow they began throwing tomatoes at each other. Over the years, this local event has become a national event. It is no longer a war between poor and rich and is now an exciting time for young people to have a good time throwing tomatoes at everyone. The standard uniform is an old T-shirt, old shorts, and safety glasses. Farmers bring thousands of tomatoes from around the countryside, and the festival begins with the firing of a rocket. An hour later, the end of the festival is announced with the firing of another rocket, and everyone begins to clean up the town.Zombie Walk A zombie walk is an organized public gathering of people who dress up in zombie costumes. Usually taking place in an urban center, the participants make their way around the city streets or through shopping malls or a local cemetery or other public spaces. Holi- The Festival of Colors This popular Hindu spring festival, observed in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and other Hindu countries, is also known as The Festival of Color. Holi is celebrated at the end of the winter season on the last full moon day of the lunar month, usually in the later part of February or March.It is Originally a festival to celebrate good harvests and fertility of the land. Crying Baby Festival overweight men in this shape can be a very scary sight for many of us. So, you can imagine how babies will react when they are held by one of these men. In Konaki Sumo, a Japanese festival, pairs of babies are held by men like this facing each other. The winner is the baby who cries first. The festival is based on the Japanese proverb â€Å"crying babies grow fast†. Fish-Swallowing Festival the festival involves eating fish but the difference is that they are still alive! t is happend in The last Sunday of every February in Geraardsbergen in Belgium. The ceremony draws protests from animal rights activists who want to substitute live fish with fish-shaped marzipan. Monkey Buffet Festival There really is a festival just for monkeys every year in Thailand. On the last Sunday in November at the Pra Prang Sam Yot temple in Lopburi province, north of Bagkok,thousands of pounds of fruit is gathered for a huge buffet just for monkeys. The festival over the years has become more lavish and has put this small province on the world tourism map. Wife Carrying World ChampionshipsEach summer, this weird event in Sonkajarvi, Finland, becomes more and more popular. The wife-carrying contest has been at a world championship level for over 13 years now. Wife ca rrying is a sport in which male competitors race while each carrying a female teammate. The objective is for the male to carry the female through a special obstacle track in the fastest time. Now my lecture is finished. I want to know your opinion. -Do you think it is a good idea to hold these festivals? For example in tomatina thousands tones of tomato are wasted. While it is possible to cook them and to use them instead of throwing them at each ther. However I have to admit tomatina bring happiness to many of people. But some of them like Crying Baby Festival, Fish-Swallowing Festival, Monkey Buffet Festival and Baby-Jumping Festival are really ridiculous and some of them are really dangerous. -What's your opinion about charsaabesori in Iran? -Do you agree with it or not? Yes I agree with you. Nowadays it become like a urban war. it is such an dangerous night. As all of us know unfortunately many people die and injure seriously. – Do you have any question? Thanks a lot for your consideration.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Nascent and other Words for New
Nascent and other Words for New Nascent and other Words for New Nascent and other Words for New By Maeve Maddox When I heard a man on the NPR Business News refer to a â€Å"new nascent industry,†my redundancy meter clicked. The adjective nascent comes from a Latin verb meaning â€Å"to be born.†The English word means â€Å"about to be born or in the act of being born or brought forth.†In extended use it refers to something in the act or condition of coming into existence. The sense of â€Å"new†seems to be included in the word nascent: In the 1980s, Mr. McMahon formed relationships with cable networks, helping a nascent MTV gain popularity through its wrestling programming. This is the second post in a series on North Carolina’s nascent Medicaid reform What can the nascent legal pot industry learn from the Prohibition Era? Inside Detroit’s Nascent Start-Up Culture In chemistry, nascent describes the condition of an element at the instant it is set free from a combination in which it has previously existed. Ozone also tends to be unstable and break down into dioxygen and nascent oxygen and to react readily with other substances. A close synonym of nascent in some contexts is emergent: Germany, Britain Lead Europe’s Nascent Economic Recovery Spain’s emergent economic recovery brings renewed confidence to the rest of the eurozone Both nascent and emergent are popular as company and product names: Nascent Technologies Nascent Solutions Nascent Design Emergent BioSolutions Emergent Technologies Emergent Game Technologies Some more words to describe something in the process of just beginning: budding developing growing embryonic incipient young fledgling evolving dawning burgeoning Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Talking25 Russian Words Used in English (and 25 More That Should Be)While vs. Whilst
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Intersexualism Hermaphrodites essays
Intersexualism Hermaphrodites essays People known in the medical literature as true hermaphrodites have a mixed gonadal structure, ovo-testis, or sometimes one ovary and one testis. It was stated in this interview that the politically correct word for hermaphrodites is now intersexuals because of the mythological origins of hermaphrodite. Most intersexed people have a very, very, hard time with personal issues which surround being born intersexed. There is a relatively small group of "out" intersexuals in the world, a number that is steadily growing, but the vast majority live with the silence, shame, and fear that they learned as a child or teen. I taped an interview from the talk-show Leeza where she interviewed an intersexual person named Sallie, who told of her personal struggles when dealing with intersexuality. Sallie is an XX person who was exposed to progestin prenatally and was assigned at first as a female. She underwent no surgery at birth, but at the age of two was surgically transformed into a male in the early 1960's. She was raised as a male until age thirteen. When Sallie was thirteen she began to experience the first signs of feminine puberty, which she tried to unsuccessfully hide. She woke one morning with blood on her sheets and thought that she had contracted some mysterious disease, but eventually realized her lifelong feelings of "otherness" was actually more than just the alienation of a sensitive and lonely young boy. When she found out she was a hermaphrodite she said that it actually felt like a crash in her head - the train wreck of truth. Some people had told her that she was lucky to have had a choice of which sex she wanted to be. She disagreed by stating, "The choice is really just a chance to screw up your life even more at an age when you should be coping with the first stages of growing up. It is a no-win choice. Normal people don't choose which sex they are...they just are. Int ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION - Essay Example Nonetheless, due to the clash of trading principles, it is often difficult to come up with an equitable decision which is favoured by the parties. In view of that, business-minded individuals (merchants) have led the call for an international tribunal who will decide on conflicting claims pertaining to international commercial dealings. Thus, the phrase â€Å"international commercial arbitration†has been formulated and put into issue. International commercial tribunals have been createdâ€â€settling disputes by integrating the different principles in trade and commerceâ€â€mostly applying the â€Å"lex mercatoria†(law of merchants). In this sense, it can be stated that â€Å"the lex mercatoria is indeed a live subject: more so today than at almost any time over the last generation†(Fortier, 2001). â€Å"Disputes are inevitable occurrences†in international relations especially in commercial transactionsâ€â€failure or refusal to pay in accordance with the stipulations provided in a contract is one of the main causes of conflict (Lew, et al., 2003). To settle the differences of the contracting parties, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms are made available. Arbitration is actually one of the non-judicial methods of settling commercial disputes which has been exhaustively applied by some states and entities. In fact, some of the countries in the world have included arbitration as part of their law on civil procedure like Germany and France. Arbitration is a procedure by which conflicting claims of two or more individuals or entities with regard to their shared rights and obligations is heard and resolved by an arbitratorâ€â€the agreement reached by the parties has a binding effect (Halsburys Laws of England, as cited in Lew, et al., 2003, p. 3). As such , it has four fundamental features which include the following: an alternative to judicial proceeding, a private way of resolving disputes, parties can select and control the process, and final resolution of
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 9
Argument - Essay Example The Galaxy Tab S ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3Kjj2ca4oQ is an example of an ad that uses sexual imagery, consumers’ love for reality and capitalizes on panic and paranoia to manipulate the audience into buying products which they apparently do not need. Moreover, advertisers use sexual imagery to chemically hook up the consumers. Naturally, after seeing someone attractive, the body’s natural response is to produce hormones. Subconsciously, the mind then associates the positive feelings with the product or service on the screen. This is why the designers of the Galaxy Tab S ad had to include a beautiful woman in the commercial and create an environment that instantly makes one think of love and romance even though the tab has got nothing to do with affection and amorousness. The cuddling, inclusion and mentioning of pregnancy all serve to create an emotional appeal that the audience can hardly resist. The creation of emotional appeal has served as an impeccable way of reflexively manipulating consumers considering the importance that they attach to the opposite sex. Taking the consumers away from the world of reality into the world of fantasy is significant as it makes them humorous and regaled. Unsympathetically, some commer cials evidently infringe ethics and norms by posting nude images just to entice the consumer. Such commercials erode morals while escalating the profits of the marketers. Slowly, the once moral society is closely being replaced with impunity, treachery and deception. Marketers are aware of the ostensible fact that consumers care about their health. One aspect that arouses panic and paranoia in consumers is the issue of their health as virtually all of them desire good health and a healthy tomorrow. They create ads that target specific audiences such as travellers, aficionados, expectant women
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